Official GT v UNCheaters Game Thread

How 'bout some crowd noise?

This is my first game at BDS in a couple of years and I've noticed they're playing pop music over the band on third down. That doesn't help with crowd noise, though maybe they started doing that because of lack of crowd noise.
Too many called passes and pass/run options. Run 'em to death.
Yeah. The triple has only gotten stopped a few times, and some of them were because Marshall should've pitched
This is my first game at BDS in a couple of years and I've noticed they're playing pop music over the band on third down. That doesn't help with crowd noise, though maybe they started doing that because of lack of crowd noise.
I thought it started back in 2009?
I think Jerry Howard is going to bust one if they get him some totes.
I think that was more play call than anything. When he came in we ran the little counter dive for the first time. That worked pretty well after that. I also noticed that possession we ran plays in with BB's some. CPJ getting breathers or trying to see who's "on" today? Benson, Howard, and Fro all rotated in.
How about the D... 13 points total in the last 4 halves... 3 points a half
Now it's time to uncork the O. Our online injuries are really hampering our ability to do what we want. Glad the d came to play
I wonder if there are physical limitations on how far a football can be kicked. Like if you have a robot kicker with nearly unlimited strength, could it kick a 100 yarder? There are probably some aerodynamic limitations
I thought it started back in 2009?

I was going to games regularly until 2012 and it's definitely a lot more prevalent now. They may have started playing it sometimes in '09 but now it feels like a pro game at times.
How we're doing against UNC's D worries me for Miami, VT, and Clemson