Official Jackets vs Cavman thread

Good game. Total team win IMO. Defense played well and th offense made big plays even if they were inconsistent.
Up by 14 and UVA had no more time outs. So running a play kills at least 40 seconds. It was the right call. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Youre an idiot for calling me an idiot. On 4th down the clock stops but I guess I can't expect you to understand lol?
Youre an idiot for calling me an idiot. On 4th down the clock stops but I guess I can't expect you to understand lol?

You are right. I forgot the clock stops after change of possession. Still the right call. Where were you after we beat VT last week?
Kicking on 4th you risk a block and FG return TD. So it is not a sure way to drain the clock. Running a safe running play is.
Loved my trip to Atlanta and the Flats. The UVA win to get us to 7-4 was terrific. Thanks to the seniors and THWG!