OFFICIAL LOI's received

woohoo Marcus Marshall
The common theme among this class is the character/grades of these kids. You can tell through interviews and the way recruitment has been handled that the coaches really did a great job of getting high character kids with talent. I think we're gonna see a lot of these guys stick around through their eligibility and get some wins on the field.
The common theme among this class is the character/grades of these kids. You can tell through interviews and the way recruitment has been handled that the coaches really did a great job of getting high character kids with talent. I think we're gonna see a lot of these guys stick around through their eligibility and get some wins on the field.

It particularly stood out to me that every student athlete that's been interviewed, the first thing they've mentioned is how important grades and/or education are to them. Impressive.
Several times the coaches/Bobinski have referred to UGA as "the boys form Athens" or "the team we won't mention." Concerted effort to not say the name - I like it.
Have we lost anyone on our board? Doesn't look like it so far, but I'm sure St. Richt is working the phones. The good thing is one of their top recruits in doubt is waiting until 6. Hopefully we will have everyone in by then.
it really seems to me that the added staff to the recruiting department really worked hard and did very well in finding quality student-athletes and then highlighting the benefits of Georgia Tech

we are really putting a Hurt on it
Have we lost anyone on our board? Doesn't look like it so far, but I'm sure St. Richt is working the phones. The good thing is one of their top recruits in doubt is waiting until 6. Hopefully we will have everyone in by then.

MLD was called before they called the GSU flip and reportedly recognized the number and didn't pick up (who knows if that's actually true). Alexander and Campbell were probably had the highest uncertainties (even those were pretty low at this point) and they both already signed.
ASA in. Love how we really closed on these guys in the last 2 weeks.
it really seems to me that the added staff to the recruiting department really worked hard and did very well in finding quality student-athletes and then highlighting the benefits of Georgia Tech

we are really putting a Hurt on it

Agreed. It's really nice to be able to talk about how many wins we got last season AND still have academics to be proud of.
here's the picture Carvell put on his Georgia Tech NSD article.


In case y'all haven't seen this picture of our Brad Stewart in the last 8-10 hours.
it's also Carvell's desktop background
It particularly stood out to me that every student athlete that's been interviewed, the first thing they've mentioned is how important grades and/or education are to them. Impressive.

Probably the reason Richt is going after GSU commits and not ours
it really seems to me that the added staff to the recruiting department really worked hard and did very well in finding quality student-athletes and then highlighting the benefits of Georgia Tech

we are really putting a Hurt on it

Little Joe is part of it and I've been saying for years that the hill isn't the problem, it was not highlighting the success of Albert Rocker and not showing the lack of it from Athens.