We got a fanbase that believe you need to splice genes, split atoms, etc or design some complicated thing to be successful. Fact of the matter is you can run a septic tank pumping company, do car window tinting, own pawn shops or payday loan stores, haul trash around, etc and be just as successful as a Rocket Scientist if not more. Other advantage with those businesses is you don’t need a country club membership, a big fancy house or drive an expensive car to fit in. You can live in a normal neighborhood where your slutty neighbor’s wife does topless jell-o shots after she mudwrestles the divorced Nurse on the corner and your kids don’t end up being maladjusted anti-social hermits. They can funnel a beer with the best of them and will date the nice girl with the nose ring and tats down her blouse you swore you saw last at that club that charges you $25 for a non-alcoholic woman’s drink…. and the HOA doesn’t fine you $100 for parking your boat in the driveway for 3 straight days.