Ole Miss view of GT

So what you're saying is that we would've been equal to Vandy for the last 60 years? I don't believe that for a second. Before we left we were one of the top programs historically in the SEC and we could've continued to be in the upper half through the 60's and maybe the 70's. Our facilities wouldn't have been nearly as decrepit in the late 70's as we would've have a more reliable revenue source via the SEC rather than being independent. The ONLY reason we still have D1 athletics at Tech is because of Homer Rice because Dodd was such a failure as an AD. Currently would've had higher attendance playing an SEC schedule rather than an ACC schedule due to the amount of SEC alumni in Atlanta and our AA might actually be in a position to buy out crappy coaches instead of having them hang around due to financial constraints.
Gee, another “If we had stayed in the SEC, Tech would have become a football factory like Bama” thread. Even with an ACC schedule, Tech routinely played UGA, Auburn, Tennessee,etc. There are a number of people who post on here that want to blame all of Tech’s shortcomings on the decision to leave the SEC. Truth is they are more on Tech’s Administration, the Athens dominated BOR, and other things.
During the 40s-60s and even after that, the Mississippi schools had such jokes for facilities, they played many of their games in Jackson. Maybe Dodd was somewhat arrogant in that respect, but he saw no point in playing them. People need to be careful believing things like this kid posted as being the Gospel
In his book IIRC, Dodd said that the Mississippi schools did not travel well. Since his paycheck was directly impacted by butts in the seats, he did not want to play teams that did not bring ticket buying fans with them. It was one of the reasons that Clempson became part of our history even though they weren't in the $EC; they brought the fans to Grant Field (and we never went there until the late '70s).
Gee, another “If we had stayed in the SEC, Tech would have become a football factory like Bama” thread. Even with an ACC schedule, Tech routinely played UGA, Auburn, Tennessee,etc. There are a number of people who post on here that want to blame all of Tech’s shortcomings on the decision to leave the SEC. Truth is they are more on Tech’s Administration, the Athens dominated BOR, and other things.
The Athens dominated BOR has been ööööing Tech up the ass for decades: athletically and academically.
Nah this is wishful thinking. Being in the SEC was never going to change two things:

1. GT being completely overshadowed by the Falcons and other pro sports teams, as is the case with every other program located in a major city. USC is the ONLY city school to maintain some semblance of a fanbase and even theirs is marginal. Pitt, Tulane, Miami, UCLA, Minnesota, and Northwestern/Boston College (to the extent that those two could be classified as city schools) all fell off a cliff in the modern era and have small-to-mediocre fanbases.

2. GT becoming increasingly academically prestigious with a student body composed heavily of international students and people with little-to-no ties to Georgia or the south (myself included).

Our fanbase was destined to shrink, we were never going to compete with the Falcons for the attention of people who didn't attend GT, and we were never going to get in the mud to compete with the LSUs and Auburns of the world. Our program was always staring down a rapidly-approaching expiration date that Dodd may have just hastened.
This is total bullcrap … with the phenomenal growth of Atlanta in the heart of SEC country, GT could have truly parlayed that into being the ND of the South. The administration would have fought it all the way but we would have had the money to attract top coaches. I do agree it is a shame that the school has become International Tech instead of Georgia Tech but being in the SEC would have attracted a ton of sidewalk fans … and winning would have helped also. If we have any chance to get back in the SEC we would be fools not to jump all over it.
This is total bullcrap … with the phenomenal growth of Atlanta in the heart of SEC country, GT could have truly parlayed that into being the ND of the South. The administration would have fought it all the way but we would have had the money to attract top coaches. I do agree it is a shame that the school has become International Tech instead of Georgia Tech but being in the SEC would have attracted a ton of sidewalk fans … and winning would have helped also. If we have any chance to get back in the SEC we would be fools not to jump all over it.
Completely delusional. The fact that GT people actually believe these sorts of narratives explains why we're wandering in the desert the way we are.

Yeah, Atlanta grew a lot. What you're not noting is that 100% of that growth was due to transplants moving to the distant suburbs of Atlanta. Atlanta is a giant suburb, not a city. Some Purdue grad who moved to Marietta from Chicago was never going to care about Georgia Tech football. All the white Atlanta natives who may have formed a core of GT sidewalk fans left the city in the 70's and 80's (and would have ditched GT for the Falcons even if they stayed, as happened literally everywhere else in the country).

Sure, maybe we sell some more tickets if we stay in the SEC...to SEC fans. That model of building a program has done wonders for Northwestern selling tickets to Big Ten fans and Vanderbilt selling tickets to SEC fans. Northwestern is every Big Ten fanbase's favorite neutral site game to mix with a visit to Chicago and we'd be every SEC fanbase's favorite neutral site game to pair with a visit to Atlanta. We were never going to be able to keep eligible mostly-illiterate kids from the rural south, we were never going to appeal to the Bubba sidewalk fans that UGA has now, we were never going to appeal to transplants. From where you're looking, it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
This isn't new news... Will the SEC include GT, if they do form the mega-super conference??? Probably not.. Not sure what we really have to offer, other than we are in Atlanta. We don't have a high rated team. We don't have a super large fan pool. We don't have the same fan base, as the schools the SEC would want. I really don't see anything that we could bring to the table.
Chin up my dude. öööö the SEC and öööö whatever they could or could not exploit us for. öööö these rednecks an

So I don't remember when I did it but I started typing this response at some point and never finished it. But now that I'm reading it, I like the message here. So there it is.
In his book IIRC, Dodd said that the Mississippi schools did not travel well. Since his paycheck was directly impacted by butts in the seats, he did not want to play teams that did not bring ticket buying fans with them. It was one of the reasons that Clempson became part of our history even though they weren't in the $EC; they brought the fans to Grant Field (and we never went there until the late '70s).
The same with Auburn. It was a long time in the series that they always played at Grant Field. Later on, Tech would play them every other year in Birmingham. It wasn’t until the 70s that Tech would travel to Auburn.
The thing about all the speculation of where would Tech be now, etc. is the college football landscape in the 1960s is so vastly different than it is today. No one had mega stadiums or world class facilities. Athletic Directors were mostly old retired coaches instead of businessmen. I don’t think anyone in the 1960s could have foreseen the state of the game today.
Completely delusional. The fact that GT people actually believe these sorts of narratives explains why we're wandering in the desert the way we are.

Yeah, Atlanta grew a lot. What you're not noting is that 100% of that growth was due to transplants moving to the distant suburbs of Atlanta. Atlanta is a giant suburb, not a city. Some Purdue grad who moved to Marietta from Chicago was never going to care about Georgia Tech football. All the white Atlanta natives who may have formed a core of GT sidewalk fans left the city in the 70's and 80's (and would have ditched GT for the Falcons even if they stayed, as happened literally everywhere else in the country).

Sure, maybe we sell some more tickets if we stay in the SEC...to SEC fans. That model of building a program has done wonders for Northwestern selling tickets to Big Ten fans and Vanderbilt selling tickets to SEC fans. Northwestern is every Big Ten fanbase's favorite neutral site game to mix with a visit to Chicago and we'd be every SEC fanbase's favorite neutral site game to pair with a visit to Atlanta. We were never going to be able to keep eligible mostly-illiterate kids from the rural south, we were never going to appeal to the Bubba sidewalk fans that UGA has now, we were never going to appeal to transplants. From where you're looking, it must seem like an 18-carat run of bad luck. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
Just take a look at the attendance the last time we played Auburn and Tennessee in Atlanta. I realize many of the fans were from the visiting team but GT fans also turned out for those games and the bottom line is fannies in the seats and revenue in the bank. I’ve been going to GT games since 1963 and even those years in the 60’s the games against Auburn and Tennessee outdrew Duke, Tulane, and Clemson. Wake up people …. Atlanta is not ACC territory and never, never, never will be!
This isn't new news... Will the SEC include GT, if they do form the mega-super conference??? Probably not.. Not sure what we really have to offer, other than we are in Atlanta. We don't have a high rated team. We don't have a super large fan pool. We don't have the same fan base, as the schools the SEC would want. I really don't see anything that we could bring to the table.
Just be another Vandy
This isn't new news... Will the SEC include GT, if they do form the mega-super conference??? Probably not.. Not sure what we really have to offer, other than we are in Atlanta. We don't have a high rated team. We don't have a super large fan pool. We don't have the same fan base, as the schools the SEC would want. I really don't see anything that we could bring to the table.
Atlanta is a TV market and ESPN would find a way to charge folks extra.
If we could hire Stoops away from Ky we'd be fine after going thru another "greatest rebuild in history of ..."
Just be another Vandy
This always bothers me. I've watched GT long enough to know that all it takes is a coaching staff that can recruit or coach to be middle of the pack. Most SEC schools prove that without trying hard. When you have a staff that can do both, you're at the top. We were above the middle of the pack (not at the top) with the prior staff, because they could coach. And that's all we could afford. A(n?) hypothetical move to the SEC solves that problem. Of course, it's still up to the AD to find that special coach. Tennessee and Florida have been struggling with that. The last few national champions have nailed it. Arkansas and TAMU may have done the same. There's nothing saying GT couldn't do it too. And even if we didn't, we are still not another Vandy.
Just take a look at the attendance the last time we played Auburn and Tennessee in Atlanta. I realize many of the fans were from the visiting team but GT fans also turned out for those games and the bottom line is fannies in the seats and revenue in the bank. I’ve been going to GT games since 1963 and even those years in the 60’s the games against Auburn and Tennessee outdrew Duke, Tulane, and Clemson. Wake up people …. Atlanta is not ACC territory and never, never, never will be!
"the bottom line is fannies in the seats and revenue in the bank????????????????"


WTF is THAT shit? The ONLY bottom line is wins in the win column. Winning isn't everything - it's the ONLY thing.
Why is Ole Miss in the SEC? Ole Miss will never win a SEC Championship. They tried to cheat like Bama and Georgia and the NCAA quickly put them in their place.
Yep, and neither would we after the CRA. As for that $50Mil that he claims we lost, how much good did that do Vandy, UK, Ark, and the 2 Miss schools? Anyone that thinks the '90 MNC would have happened had we stayed is dreaming. Imagine a HC (you know, the one the stadium is named after), who cares about where the alumni/supporters want to travel to games!? Madness, huh? What this guy talks about as "silly", is reality. What kind of fit is an elite academic school in the sec? Answer, Vandy. What kind of big arsed stadium would we have like the rest of the sec has, with a .400-.500 record? Answer, empty.
What kind of record since the mid 60s would the only STEM school in D-1 have? Answer, losing. This guy is not "good", he is simply another sec "homer".