Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
Same story - save Chan by degrading the savior - George O'Leary. This stinks every time it's said!
This program is here today because of his rescue - let's see if it's here tomorrow because Chan here now?
Beating UGAG 3 years in a row was worth George being here - the rest was gravy!
Looks like the likes of Greg Gathers, Joe Hamilton, Dez White, Daryl Smith, Key Fox, Craig Page, Nat Dorsey, Leon Robinson, Jonathan Smith, Nate Curry, Tony Hollings, Cory Collins, Nate Stinson, Kerry Wadkins, Travis Parker, Rueben Houston, Joe Burns, Chris Young, George Godsey, Charlie Rogers, Sean Gregory, and the many, many more that played for George and brought us to heights that hadn't been seen here in years has nothing to do with George and his abilities! Let's take a DEEP BREATH AND THANK THE LORD THEY CAME, WE WON AND IT WAS ALLLLLLL GOOD!
Tear him apart for the sake of Chan BUT NEVER SAY HE DIDN'T TO IT RIGHT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN!