
If you couldn't hate UGA any worse, their coaches were tweeting celebrations about Parrish committing to them today. I really ööööing hate that university and everyone associated with it.
I would hope our coaches would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot. We need to stop being pusses,
If you couldn't hate UGA any worse, their coaches were tweeting celebrations about Parrish committing to them today. I really ööööing hate that university and everyone associated with it.

As far as I know it's a NCAA violation to talk about a recruit. What did they say?
As far as I know it's a NCAA violation to talk about a recruit. What did they say?

The trick is to tweet about getting a recruit without tweeting about the recruit. So they said something about it being a great day to be a dwag/we run this state/blahblaublahblah.
They play up disrespecting us so much. Super star GA athletes eat that öööö up like chick-fil-a. The whole education thing was a slap in the face at GT.
UGA is actually a really good school...if you want a good job instate. If you want a good job anywhere, Tech's the way to go.
I would hope our coaches would do the same if the shoe was on the other foot. We need to stop being pusses,

I agree with this. We play little brother too much and run to the proverbial mommy too much crying when we should man up and punch somebody in the dick.
Ater my my experience with interviews, I agree.

A GT degree carries a lot of weight in-state as well. Trust me, they know what's up.

I agree with this. We play little brother too much and run to the proverbial mommy too much crying when we should man up and punch somebody in the dick.

I don't think these two phrases belong in the same sentence.

I agree though that we whine too much as a fanbase.
I don't see why this still bothers people. This guy wants to play football so he chose the school that gives him the best opportunity to pursue that path. As long as GT allows ugag to be THE football school it will be this way.
I don't see why this still bothers people. This guy wants to play football so he chose the school that gives him the best opportunity to pursue that path. As long as GT allows ugag to be THE football school it will be this way.

Maybe one reason is that they have so
many advantages in recruiting but act
like getting a good recruit is something
that they have earned
Maybe one reason is that they have so
many advantages in recruiting but act
like getting a good recruit is something
that they have earned

They do it to make fun of GT football...they have earned it. If that is a problem GT ought to get to doing something about it.