Passing Down Tactics Adjusted

Maybe a better analogy would be to ask if fans would be pissed off with a 3-9 record after an undefeated NC season?

And I would say that we are no different than other teams in that regard. I submit as evidence the Auburn Tigers. Chizik fired for a 3-9 season just 2 years removed from an undefeated NC season.

So we are clearly better fans than those War Damn Eagle folks.

I'll take a 3-9 season after an NC. Shit I'll take that every other year for NC every other year.
Look at you, making all sorts of pathetic far-reaching excuses for loser coaches just because something CPJ did has your panties in a wad. You're not even good at this dumb ass game you choose to play for whatever reason. All you can do is whine and cry like a little bitch, and you've got no god damn idea what would work. When you're going to step up to the plate and act like you're smarter than the guys running the show, you have to bring solutions or you're useless to everybody. Your re-tread coach 'solutions' are garbage, like Al Groh, and would sink BDS into the ground. If you really love this program, the best thing you can do is gain a brain cell or two and use it to shut the hell up until you've got any actual ideas.
Quit beating around the bush.
Yea, I was there for the season. We had a bunch of things happen. A play or player here and there and we pull out several more of those games, just like any season. Even our national championship season came down to a play here and a play there. They aren't flukes. They are earned by the players on the field.
We couldn't stop Timmy from getting through four seniors on the offensive line.
Look at you, making all sorts of pathetic far-reaching excuses for loser coaches just because something CPJ did has your panties in a wad. You're not even good at this dumb ass game you choose to play for whatever reason. All you can do is whine and cry like a little bitch, and you've got no god damn idea what would work. When you're going to step up to the plate and act like you're smarter than the guys running the show, you have to bring solutions or you're useless to everybody. Your re-tread coach 'solutions' are garbage, like Al Groh, and would sink BDS into the ground. If you really love this program, the best thing you can do is gain a brain cell or two and use it to shut the hell up until you've got any actual ideas.
I did actually propose many solutions. From not going through the histrionics of the option on third and eight to possible new coaches. Apparently you think 3-9 is satisfactory. If you can remove your head from CPJ's ass and smell fresh air, maybe your two brain cells could stop replicating themselves like a West Virginia family.
I did actually propose many solutions. From not going through the histrionics of the option on third and eight to possible new coaches. Apparently you think 3-9 is satisfactory. If you can remove your head from CPJ's ass and smell fresh air, maybe your two brain cells could stop replicating themselves like a West Virginia family.

Charlie Strong throwing posts with any QB on our roster on 3rd and 8 with last year's OL? Yeah, we're going bowling with that. These solutions. :lol:

Stop digging before you hit China, dumbass. You're talking out of your ass in the most major way.
GT has had a lot of quick game thrown at them because of how Roof plays in the backend. This is a bit ridiculous. If the quick game was a such a solution for all, then WTF do schools have much better sack numbers? Thats partly because other defenses don't employ alignment and loose schemes to allow the quick game. There was a stat released this offeseason that GT's defense is in bend don't break mode 30-40% more than the college avg...I can't recall where that was posted...but it just shows you how loose we are.

Can you find this stat for me? I'd like to see how they developed it without a formation-by-formation analysis of every game of every team in the country.

I'm not disagreeing conceptually, I just want to see it laid out.
Stop digging before you hit China, dumbass. You're talking out of your ass in the most major way.

That's it. Now I know TIA's account's been hacked by Buzzczar. Can we not have a normal Friday without coups and takeovers?
That's it. Now I know TIA's account's been hacked by Buzzczar. Can we not have a normal Friday without coups and takeovers?

I don't like soccer; it's boring and the players professionally faking injuries makes it a woman's sport. Europe is mostly bad smells, communism, and terrorism. Anthropogenic global warming isn't conclusively proven to be a significant signal in global climate patterns.
I don't like soccer; it's boring and the players professionally faking injuries makes it a woman's sport. Europe is mostly bad smells, communism, and terrorism. Anthropogenic global warming isn't conclusively proven to be a significant signal in global climate patterns.

Alright Corndog, calm down.
I asked you for a coach that you think we could get that would do a better job. Not a coach that would turn us into rape city, you öööö for brains. Also I'm going to laugh at you again for suggesting Strong, too. Can't win 7 games at Texas, but he's going to take us to the next level! You are the definition of retarded right now. Delete your account.

I want to know if there is a coach who can do better with CPJs players for 2 years than CPJ did with CCG's players.
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To be honest, didn't CCG have it worse with flunkgate?

Yes. Wasn't it 13 off the team when he showed up? Academic advisement for athletes and tutoring in disarray?