Peach-Chicken Bowl

I would give almost anything to see Tech play with the drive and composure versus a formidable opponent that Duke has displayed in this game.

I have a great deal of respect for Cutcliffe. He has built a team that tech would be lucky to have.

CPJ should takes some notes. As should The Hill and anyone else with any clout within the AA.
Interesting that Cutcliffe accepted the COTY award by saying Duke does it the Dodd way and listing scholarship first.
Man, Johnny Football is a little bitch isn't he?
The way the booth celebrated that touchdown is just gross to listen to. Yeah, it was a great play but screaming "TOUCHDOWN AGGGIIEESSSS!!!!!!" is awful.
I had to turn it off. I turned it on to start the second half and couldn't stand the espn/sec/manziel lovefest. The espn announcers don't even try to hide their bias.
Here comes the johnny football suck off fest.