people owe beeware apology

Quote from the AUC from Wimbush :" We knew there were a lot of people who had given up on us. It just made us work that much harderto make believers out fo the doughters." Sometimes ya know there is such a thing as constuctive criticism. We are all for the same goal which is a great team and season. These players understand that, because football is a game of ups and downs. They get knocked down phsically and emotionally , so they are used to picking themselves up and battling on. I think Beeware has been taken to task enough and owed an apology.
Maybe but very doubtful that BW had anything to do with the teams turn for the better. NO BW is not a Tech fan and it will be snowing in Hell before I believe he is. This team or any team with new coaches and players takes time to jell. Sure I liked some of the old coaches and I sure loved the way GOL snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last year with his 2 point plays. But then again according to BW he (GOL) and his assistants were the best. Finally I will not apologize to BW until I hear him apologize to Mustard and others here on the board.
Good post Old Foggy, and thanks for the compliment of sharing my avatar! I am still waiting for BW to respond to my petition drive to reinstate drownproofing as a graduation requirement;given his lack of response I grow to believe he is not a true Tech Man! "defeat from the jaws of victory!" I LOVE IT!

Does BW owe the tech team and coaches any apologies for his continuos berating of their performances? for his negativity in comparing the actual coaching staff to a mythical one which excels in every category only in one's imagination? for his accusing CG's resume of being not dry when GOL's was the one which was not dry? for his twisting our expanded scope of recruiting to the nation as a denigration of the Georgia athletes?


Then why oh why do we owe him an apology?
Seems to me that according to Wimbush all the negative talk fired the team up if that put some added fire into the team then so be it. Have you ever heard of a coach getting on a players case and that player then performs better? you then might ask whats that got to do with the apology. Well Beeware was the most vocal and outspoken so I am glad some people voiced their negative comments. At least Ricardo seemed to think it helped.
Originally posted by techrod:
Seems to me that according to Wimbush all the negative talk fired the team up if that put some added fire into the team then so be it. Have you ever heard of a coach getting on a players case and that player then performs better? you then might ask whats that got to do with the apology. Well Beeware was the most vocal and outspoken so I am glad some people voiced their negative comments. At least Ricardo seemed to think it helped.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I wonder if BW and Techrod are the same person. Just a thought.
This just might be the dumbest thread in the history of internet boards. Congrats...
You people are just nerds to me. You just don't get do you? You can't reason. You are so against Beeware you can't see or think straight. All you have to do is read Ricardo's quote!! But you are so blind.
Hey techrod, I am just a nerd, now because I do not think that I owe BW an apology? Please find the quote and show me where Ricardo says that BW did good and that we owe BW an apology. I think that your call for an apology to BW is an extrapolation to reach a far-fetched conclusion.

There were plenty of critiques from the faithful which would qualify as constructive for the team, but BW has contributed destructive negativisms throughout his posts.
OK GE didn't realize that you had chosen one of my favorite authors also! BUT me apologize to BW in anyone's dreams, until he admits he's no Tech fan and apologizes to the people he has called names here!!!!

OK. guys maybe I was using his negative sentiments TOO much as a ploy to get everybody on the same page. I know I was negative On this board, but I did apologize. I also realize most of the people that were critical are now on board. Some criticism can be good which I truly believeWimbush was refering to in the quote in the auc. I am sorry I used Beeware as the primary example, but I think that there several others who may not have irked y'all off as much to be welcomed back in the fold. Maybe I didn't read enough of Beeware's comments to comprehend all your feelings. If that is so I apologize. To Beeware I say the team and coaches have proven themselves of all our devotion!!!!!
Originally posted by techrod:
OK. guys maybe I was using his negative sentiments TOO much as a ploy to get everybody on the same page. I know I was negative On this board, but I did apologize. I also realize most of the people that were critical are now on board. Some criticism can be good which I truly believeWimbush was refering to in the quote in the auc. I am sorry I used Beeware as the primary example, but I think that there several others who may not have irked y'all off as much to be welcomed back in the fold. Maybe I didn't read enough of Beeware's comments to comprehend all your feelings. If that is so I apologize. To Beeware I say the team and coaches have proven themselves of all our devotion!!!!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Techrod, appreciate your thoughts here. You just expressed yourself well.

This quote is one of the better posts I've seen. Your ploy is obviously with great intentions. Much appreciated!

What do you guys and gals say? Let's put it to the noles? No question in my mind. GO JACKETS!
Let me say this that no matter what I played if someone ever belittled me with words they then played hell.
Originally posted by techrod:
OK. guys maybe I was using his negative sentiments TOO much as a ploy to get everybody on the same page. I know I was negative On this board, but I did apologize. I also realize most of the people that were critical are now on board. Some criticism can be good which I truly believeWimbush was refering to in the quote in the auc. I am sorry I used Beeware as the primary example, but I think that there several others who may not have irked y'all off as much to be welcomed back in the fold. Maybe I didn't read enough of Beeware's comments to comprehend all your feelings. If that is so I apologize. To Beeware I say the team and coaches have proven themselves of all our devotion!!!!!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Good statement, techrod. It is appreciated.
Originally posted by techrod:
" Sometimes ya know there is such a thing as constuctive criticism. I think Beeware has been taken to task enough and owed an apology.[/QB]
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I have not seen the constructive criticisum you are talking about from Beware. I've seen alot of cheapshots at our coaches and athletic dirrector but no helpful insights at all.
I really hate to speak up on this again, but I feel I HAVE to say something.

I do not owe anyone an apology, and I have been at odds with BW since day 1 here. But not for his opinions or thoughts. Only his continuing negative influence over the board and his constant insults directed towards me, other posters, and the coaching staff. The couple of rare instances where I actually DID insult another poster here, including BW, I apologized for the insult. Have I received one in return? No. BW spews venom, not sugar.

Everyone has a right to their opinion. Differing ones are what make the world go round. Hate is what will kill the world. There is a difference between the two.
FOBD, please refer to my post #31, which is just a little ways above this one. The last 2 sentences starting W/Maybe should explain your concern.
Culb please see above reply to FOBD or for that matter read the whole message #31.
Originally posted by techrod:
FOBD, please refer to my post #31, which is just a little ways above this one. The last 2 sentences starting W/Maybe should explain your concern.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Thanks techrod we on the same page now.