Pitt fan reactions

Pitt isn't regional, historically relevant to us, or overly threatening. So not much reason to hate them as a program. Narduzzis a tool but he'll be gone soon at this rate.

My lasting image of them will be sitting at Heinz Field watching their fans react to their 5th consecutive possession ending in a lost fumble to start the 2014 game.
I like Pitt. Narduzzi can EAD, but Pitt is like us. Smaller but higher quality, tradition-rich, urban, engineering-heavy school compared to their in state rival.

Only difference being that our in state rivals only have the outward appearances of inbred, redneck pedophiles.
Pitt is almost irrelevant in the state of PA, even after last year when they beat PSU. Penn State runs this place. At least in GA, anyone with a quarter of a brain will admit that Tech is vastly superior to UGA. Up here, people actually believe that Penn State academics are a thing (and I can tell you from experience that they most certainly are not).

Pitt itself isn't horrible, since Oakland is just about the only neat spot in Pittsburgh. They use a shit stadium though. I also think half the reason that Pitt's "campus" is nice is because Carnegie Melon is right there too.
I enjoyed the lady a few rows in front of me who didn't really say much, other than "PITTSBURGH!" in kind of a deep manly voice, but held up a Pirate's koozie all game, and would confidently nod her head, point at the koozie, then at a player, and then back at the koozie again.

Having grown up going to Pitt games, they were the first school I had loyalty to, so I still have a soft spot for the school. Except of course when they play us. Then, screw 'em.
I enjoyed the Pitt fans in front of me. They came in acting like Steelers fans in all of their arrogance and quickly tired of our offense. It got really good because one of the fans was an older woman who had no idea what was happening but was trying to fit in and clap and yell when she thought Pitt did something good. So she was going nuts over our 6-12 yard runs up the middle and her husband was telling her to shut up.
Georgia Tech...
... lulling opposing fans into thinking allowing a 6 yard run is a victory since 2008
I work with a Pitt grad. I actually invited him to go to game with me but he had to do youth soccer stuff. He's been nothing but gracious and said today that our offense was of the most fascinating and simultaneously frustrating things he has ever seen.
I'll always have a place of honor for Pitt for the merciless, soul-crushing defeat the Dan Marino led Panthers put on the Dwags in the 1982 National Championship game - Marino threw a fourth-down, come-from-behind laser dead into the end-zone which closed the book on the Dwags national championship aspirations forever.

And, for that, I'll always be a little bit of a Pitt fan.
I'll always have a place of honor for Pitt for the merciless, soul-crushing defeat the Dan Marino led Panthers put on the Dwags in the 1982 National Championship game - Marino threw a fourth-down, come-from-behind laser dead into the end-zone which closed the book on the Dwags national championship aspirations forever.

And, for that, I'll always be a little bit of a Pitt fan.
Plus the first game of Tony Dorsett was against the Pups.
I'll always have a place of honor for Pitt for the merciless, soul-crushing defeat the Dan Marino led Panthers put on the Dwags in the 1982 National Championship game - Marino threw a fourth-down, come-from-behind laser dead into the end-zone which closed the book on the Dwags national championship aspirations forever.

And, for that, I'll always be a little bit of a Pitt fan.
You are thinking of the 1981 Sugar Bowl. I'm referring to the 1982 Sugar Bowl.
Ok, I was keying in on the statement that their eternal natty hopes died at the hands of Pitt and that you were talking about the 1982 national championship that Penn State won by beating the mutts.

Their hopes actually died when Walker skipped his senior year.
Ok, I was keying in on the statement that their eternal natty hopes died at the hands of Pitt and that you were talking about the 1982 national championship that Penn State won by beating the mutts.
Correct - I had the Penn St and Pitt games backwards.