Pollack's halo removed

Now he's got to get a job with that Childhood Education degree. Or maybe he doesn't even have it.

I hope he had a big singing bonus. He should've gone to GT when O'Leary offered him...
Now he's got to get a job with that Childhood Education degree. Or maybe he doesn't even have it.

I always thought he was a history major and you may be right about the degree. I'm not sure he actually finished before leaving UGA.
I hope he recovers fully and does....

gtyellowjackets said:
Now he's got to get a job with that Childhood Education degree. Or maybe he doesn't even have it.

I hope he had a big singing bonus. He should've gone to GT when O'Leary offered him...

whatever he wants to do. I cannot tolerate the mindset that says that if you don't go to Tech, you can't possibly achieve a meaningful life and/or career. That is insulting to my parents, wife and kids, most of my professional colleagues and personal friends.Look around your company and neighborhood. See many Tech alumni?

Yeah,too bad he didn't sign with Tech...he missed out on bowl games in exotic locales like Boise.:crazy:
Pollack was a history major at UGA. Not sure if he ever graduated or not.

I do honestly wonder what his prospects are outside of the NFL. It's nothing against people who were history majors, but I had a roommate who an HTS major (History, Technology and Society) at Tech. I last heard from him a year after graduation and he was still looking for a job.
He's already a millionaire and I think I heard the insurance will pay off a couple more mil if he can't play anymore, so unless he blows it he should be OK for life.
This thread was very difficult to read. It is ashamed and down right embarrasing that many of you feel or even would consider that Pollack would not succeed post a NFL injury. I have to agree with B. that it is insulting to family, friends and my professional relationships to all who attended UGAg. As always it is fun to pick on the University and be picked on by those guys, but for goodness sake, Pollack broke his neck and we all should be thankful that he is well and will recover 100%. I would expect the same if it were one of our players, wouldn't you?
<<whatever he wants to do. I cannot tolerate the mindset that says that if you don't go to Tech, you can't possibly achieve a meaningful life and/or career. That is insulting to my parents, wife and kids, most of my professional colleagues and personal friends.Look around your company and neighborhood. See many Tech alumni?

Yeah,too bad he didn't sign with Tech...he missed out on bowl games in exotic locales like Boise.:crazy:>>

Couldn't disagree more. Pollack had a chance to get a Tech education. That's more important than playing in a 'good' bowl game. It's not a holier than thou statement. it's a fact.

I'm sorry you don't value a good education.

BTW, Pollack could have gone to many other schools, besides Tech, to have gotten that eucation.

Another UGAg player, who made a similar mistake, is Tereschynski (sp). He turned down HARVARD to start 5 games and sit on the bench. I bet he regrets it now...
It's fun to mock UGA and make jokes about diplomas being thrown into your car while stopped at a traffic light BUT consider this for a moment...
1. How many profs did you have at GT who got all
their education at GT? If they didn't get it at GT
then it's not worth anything right?

2. How many teachers in elementary/primary school,
middle/jr high school, or high school did you have
had GT degrees? Did you learn anything worth-
while from them that helped you succeed at GT
and later on in life or was time spent in their
classes worthless since they didn't have a GT

We are all proud of our GT degrees, and deservedly so, but at times some of us push the envelope exce-
ssively with that pride. Frankly, sometimes it is way too obvious that some of us need to learn more about grammar, syntax, and spelling before belittling anyone else's education or alma mater.
Hey Guys ...

as much as we hated the guy when he played against us, we should be cheering for him to make a complete recovery. He may never play football again and I am sure that is going to hurt him, emotionally as well as financially. But we should never root for someone to fail and have a lousy life just because they didn't go to Tech when they had the chance.

Keep after it David, I know you will do well.
goldeagle said:
We are all proud of our GT degrees, and deservedly so, but at times some of us push the envelope exce-
ssively with that pride. Frankly, sometimes it is way too obvious that some of us need to learn more about grammar, syntax, and spelling before belittling anyone else's education or alma mater.

Very well said, Eagle.
This thread is a freaking disgrace. Does anybody really believe Pollack could not have stayed eligible at TECH?????

For all the Tech grads or students that have slammed Pollack here, you are all LOSERS. If any of you losers went to TECH hoping to build a big bridge somewhere, maybe that bridge will crumble with you on it, leaving you with a broken neck.

This is an embarrassment to all the non-nerd Tech fans.
No one EVER said that they hope Pollack never recovered. No one ever said they are glad Pollack got hurt.

But he had a rare opportunity to get a top education because of his athletic ablitiy. He was offered by Tech and should have jumped on it. I don't know who else offered him but if Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, etc.. had offered him a scholarship he should have jumped on it (even before GT).

No one will ever convince me differently, for all the obvious reasons...
While I despise UGA from an athletics standpoint and did get tired of reading about Pollack and Green in the ajc during their playing careers, I hope the guy recovers from his severe injury and has a good life. I wish everyone a good life, old gold and white, red and black. It's only the orange that can truly go to hel#. ;)

As far as the education is concerned, all GT grads should be proud of their degrees as GT is respected as one of the best academic institutions in the country, as well it should be. I have a lot of respect for anyone who has obtained their GT degree.

My daughter is in the ninth grade, makes straight A's and excels in the areas of math and science in particular. I am already steering her in the direction of GT and have been successful in persuading both her and her mother that she 'fits the mold' so to speak. Which she does.

I have a degree from UGA in Statistics, and I'm very proud of it. I know how difficult a degree it is and I know how much work I put into obtaining it. UGA, from an athletics/academic standpoint, has embarrassed itself numerous times over the years and deserves the flack it receives for it. That being said, someone like myself can be proud of their academic achievements.

Now that's enough about all that ...back to GT sports. :biggthumpup:
gtyellowjackets said:
I hope he had a big singing bonus. .

A Big Singing Bonus? Oh, that's right, Tech folks don't need to learn to read or write to prove their intellect.

Making it out of Tech is wonderful for those that have done it, but to put down someone that chose another route and successfully achieved what they wanted is ugly and shameful.

Why do some Tech grads need to keep reminding everybody how hard the degree is by degrading those that don't have one?

In a football sense, I "hated" Pollack while he was at georgia, but only because he was a rival. His dreams got crushed with his neck injury, but he made it to the highest level because he is a fighter and a winner. He will go on to be a success doing something else. Guaranteed.
<<A Big Singing Bonus? Oh, that's right, Tech folks don't need to learn to read or write to prove their intellect.>>

Can't force me to change my point of view so you stoop to this kind of garbage. Pretty juvenille.

You'll never convince me or most anyone else that the best possible education isn't the best decision. BTW, I think I've made it clear that education doesn't have to be at Tech...
Be real. He does not need to fall back on the best Engineering or Management education the state of Georgia has to offer.
You bet I am proud of my degree from Tech. For a while, I never thought I would get it. Because of how hard it was for me, I wear mine like a red badge of courage. That is a personal thing though.

Maybe because I am not a Tech Engineer (and never could be one if I wanted to engineer), I understand that their are other vocations that are not so reliant on what the degree says.

That said, I am happy that my dog's vet and my lawyer don't have Georgia Tech degrees.

I made it out in the mid eighties. Since then, I am just thankful for my Tech education and the blessings because of it. To me, education is a gift not a rivalry.

Football is completely different! Go Jackets!!, and To Hell With georgia.
pocket_watch said:
To me, education is a gift not a rivalry. Football is completely different! Go Jackets!!, and To Hell With georgia.

Sums up my feelings p_w.
pollack is an outstanding young man. He WILL be successful, he IS successful ... I wish him the best.

With that said, THWG.
The kid is articulate, charismatic, and relentlessly competitive. There's not an employer in Georgia that wouldn't want to invest in training that kid to sell in a business to business environment.

You give me a kid like that and I'll put him into sales for my company. He would be making $200k/year+ in no time.

Employers love to hire ex-athletes for B2B sales roles if they are bright and articulate. I've hired ex-Tech football players and it's worked well for me and them. And several didn't graduate from Tech.

You think Coleman Rudolph is an engineer? No. He's a stock broker, and he's making more than most of the engineers that we graduate.

You are showing ZERO class. The kid is coming out of a neck brace that involved screws bolted into his head.

That's as bad as a UGA fan talking smack about Hollings knee injury. You disgust me.
YodaBee said:
You give me a kid like that and I'll put him into sales for my company. He would be making $200k/year+ in no time.

Employers love to hire ex-athletes for B2B sales roles if they are bright and articulate. I've hired ex-Tech football players and it's worked well for me and them. And several didn't graduate from Tech.

You are showing ZERO class. The kid is coming out of a neck brace that involved screws bolted into his head.

That's as bad as a UGA fan talking smack about Hollings knee injury. You disgust me.

Oh, so you want to jump into it?

We'll I've run a sales staff of over 50. So I've hired 100's of salespeople. What you say about him being successful may or may not be true.

Niether you nor anyone else will convince me that not going for the best education is the way to go.

Oh, BTW go "F" yourself...