Potential weather for Sat?

Weather records show that since last Thursday Pittsburgh has received 6.5 inches of rain with another 0.75" expected between today and Thursday. This may not take the hurricane into account.
That field has shown problems in the recent past hasn't it with it being shared with the Steelers?
Weather records show that since last Thursday Pittsburgh has received 6.5 inches of rain with another 0.75" expected between today and Thursday. This may not take the hurricane into account.
That field has shown problems in the recent past hasn't it with it being shared with the Steelers?
Blah...blah....your mom....something...
Weather records show that since last Thursday Pittsburgh has received 6.5 inches of rain with another 0.75" expected between today and Thursday. This may not take the hurricane into account.
That field has shown problems in the recent past hasn't it with it being shared with the Steelers?

That could be a problem for us getting traction and handling the ball.

I don’t think it’s too early to plan for excuses. Weather is a good one. I’m going to go with injuries. Anyone want to go with bad officiating? It’s an ACC game so that’s a given.