Quick Lane Bowl roll call

Supplemental dumb question -- anyone have a line on a tailgate/pre-game ritual opportunity at the Bowl?
Supplemental dumb question -- anyone have a line on a tailgate/pre-game ritual opportunity at the Bowl?

I'm not skeert -- suffered through the Carneval de Quebec parade on the Grande Allee as a little boy. Unless I travel to Nunavut or Antarctica I don't expect to be that cold ever again in my life!

Actually, Detroit is southwest of Toronto, eh?

Anyway, mightn't there be indoor festivities planned at a bar or other?

I'm not skeert -- suffered through the Carneval de Quebec parade on the Grande Allee as a little boy. Unless I travel to Nunavut or Antarctica I don't expect to be that cold ever again in my life!

Actually, Detroit is southwest of Toronto, eh?

Anyway, mightn't there be indoor festivities planned at a bar or other?

Website says that there is an Alumni event but that's about it I guess.
I'm surprised they don't have some sort of "fan experience" set up there. Peach Bowl has a great indoor setup.
Yeah, because it is the peach bowl. I am sure there is slightly more money allocated.

I’ve heard that you are old. Like really old. You understand how money works, right?
I was going to post an lol gif but google found this instead, so...

Still not sure how it relates to the fact I’m not going to Detroit the day after Christmas.

Hell, she might be making an appearance at one of Detroit's finer "gentlemen's clubs."
I'm sure she probably still needs the dough. She probably doesn't look like this anymore after popping out a kid.
So I've been told.
Looked at going.
Air fares are outrageous.
So we're out.
I was at PJ's first game at Ga Southern (a blood hot day against Valdosta State - 30 people passed out from the heat in the stands. Also the day Princess Di died) and his last game (one of the most gutwrenching and heartbreaking losses I've ever been to) at Ga Southern
Hate that I am going to miss his last game at GT.
Yeah, because it is the peach bowl. I am sure there is slightly more money allocated.

I’ve heard that you are old. Like really old. You understand how money works, right?

Your mom didn’t seem to mind and she pays really well!