Racially insensitive NCAA team names


Apr 15, 2008
How come the NCAA effectively made all the Indian teams change their mascots but Notre Dame gets to keep stereotyping Irish people as fighting drunks?

I'm part Irish and its offensive to me.

Dressing up a stereotypical red head and pale white skin dude as a leprechaun? That's not worse than calling a team the fighting Sioux?
weirdest thing is that many catholics think thats the team they are supposed to root for... i dont see american indians rooting for the redskins though... i'm also offended as an irish american
Not offensive:


As a redheaded drunk, I'm offended that everyone automatically assumes I'm Irish. That is disrespectful.
Seriously. The name "fighting Irish" isnt being used in any way to honor the Irish, merely to capitalize on stereotypes, such as shamrocks or leprechauns, in much the same manner as the Redskins name is clearly deriding Native Americans, or how the Cleveland Indians mascot, Chief Wahoo is nothing more than a racist caricature.
I think it's just Irish American Catholics who cheer for Notre Dame. I'm Catholic, went to Catholic school growing up, and no one cheered for Notre Dame.

Or maybe it's because I grew up in the South. Then again, my West Coast relatives are Catholic as well and they don't give a rat's ass about Notre Dame either.
Irish isn't a race, but I get where this post is going.

I'm Catholic and I enjoy rooting for Notre Dame, but I do feel for those Irish Immigrants in the early 19th century who suffered abuses at the hands of the very politically active "Know Nothings" in this country. This stereotype was used to justify violence against Irish immigrant communities in an effort to "clean up the streets." It's similar to calling black people thugs.
Irish isn't a race, but I get where this post is going.

I'm Catholic and I enjoy rooting for Notre Dame, but I do feel for those Irish Immigrants in the early 19th century who suffered abuses at the hands of the very politically active "Know Nothings" in this country. This stereotype was used to justify violence against Irish immigrant communities in an effort to "clean up the streets." It's similar to calling black people thugs.

Can you imagine if we had football teams putting people on their sidelines who dressed and acted like thugs as official representations of their football teams and schools? Especially if they paid them next to nothing? It's hard to imagine you could get away with something so literally and figuratively exploitative in this day and age.
Irish isn't a race, but I get where this post is going.

I'm Catholic and I enjoy rooting for Notre Dame, but I do feel for those Irish Immigrants in the early 19th century who suffered abuses at the hands of the very politically active "Know Nothings" in this country. This stereotype was used to justify violence against Irish immigrant communities in an effort to "clean up the streets." It's similar to calling black people thugs.

irish isnt a race?
Imagine if Georgia Tech was named the Fighting Orientals and we had the most racist caricature of a chinaman that you could find.


You don't think we'd get some blowback over that? Yet, because Notre Dame is catholic everyone just lets them slide on this.
Seriously. The name "fighting Irish" isnt being used in any way to honor the Irish, merely to capitalize on stereotypes, such as shamrocks or leprechauns, in much the same manner as the Redskins name is clearly deriding Native Americans, or how the Cleveland Indians mascot, Chief Wahoo is nothing more than a racist caricature.

Go cry about it then.

Better yet, go write a sonnet while drinking piss whiskey and singing a song in your pansy-ass sing-song accent about a french fry shortage. Then go and lose another fight to a 4'8" guy with the skin tone of a diseased radish.

The best part about global warming is that melting glaciers will submerge most of that mongrel crap island and their crap-ass ashtray beer.