Racially insensitive NCAA team names

There once was a poster on StingTalk
Who had a great love of the shamrock.
He grew tired of the mocking
And constantly talking
About his sadly misshapen three-inch drinking problem.
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There once was a poster on StingTalk
Who had a great love of the shamrock.
He grew tired of the mocking
And constantly talking
About his sadly misshapen three-inch drinking problem.

Ha ha. It's 5.5inches thank you very much
I'm going to call my team the Genocidal Turks. My Armernian brothers, amirite?

Here are some other suggestions for Notre Dame based on their catholic heritage:
The Fighting Papists
The Abusing Priests (Obvious Joke is Obvious)
The Empty Pews
Notre Dame's mascot immediately make me think of Conor McGregor......who is literally a fighting Irishman. He is pretty much a bad A too.

I'm part Cherokee (or something. possibly Creek) and it matters not to me. It's just more whineyass bullshit that's being taught in out schools. Our leaders and our educators are incompetent. They don't know what they're doing. But America is wrong. Washington owned slaves, Jefferson screwed one of his good looking slaves, blah blah, but they won't talk about Honest Abe's racism. Why? Because it doesn't advance their idiot agenda. That's why the whole undeveloped world is sööööööing at us. We're afraid of our own shadow and we're that stupid.
I'm part Cherokee (or something. possibly Creek) and it matters not to me. It's just more whineyass bullshit that's being taught in out schools. Our leaders and our educators are incompetent. They don't know what they're doing. But America is wrong. Washington owned slaves, Jefferson screwed one of his good looking slaves, blah blah, but they won't talk about Honest Abe's racism. Why? Because it doesn't advance their idiot agenda. That's why the whole undeveloped world is sööööööing at us. We're afraid of our own shadow and we're that stupid.

I'm just tired of it being ok to make fun of the Irish. I took a lot of bullying growing up because of my Irish heritage and this game against the "fighting Irish" is triggering.

I understand, but at the same time are you not being a bully yourself at times in this thread? Isn't that why it's called the bully pulpit when you're in a position of authority to speak and unfortunately condescend? Everyone has their opinions and some people just won't let it go that Irishmen had the audacity to land in this country and make it greater than it was before their arrival. That's ok. Let 'em. But I do appreciate it when people like yourself take a stand against injustice. So keep on keepin' on. In the words of my gal Tay Swift, "Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate."
I'm part Cherokee (or something. possibly Creek) and it matters not to me. It's just more whineyass bullshit that's being taught in out schools. Our leaders and our educators are incompetent. They don't know what they're doing. But America is wrong. Washington owned slaves, Jefferson screwed one of his good looking slaves, blah blah, but they won't talk about Honest Abe's racism. Why? Because it doesn't advance their idiot agenda. That's why the whole undeveloped world is sööööööing at us. We're afraid of our own shadow and we're that stupid.

It doesn't offend me so therefore it doesn't offend anybody.

Aren't you so smart.
As a mascotfluid offensekin, this whole thread offends me. This is supposed to be a safe space; please use trigger warnings if you are going to use the slur "p*** skin" to refer to people experiencing a lack of color.
Imagine if Georgia Tech was named the Fighting Orientals and we had the most racist caricature of a chinaman that you could find.


You don't think we'd get some blowback over that? Yet, because Notre Dame is catholic everyone just lets them slide on this.

It doesn't offend me so therefore it doesn't offend anybody.

Aren't you so smart.

I'm part Irish, French, and Cherokee. This thread has been nothing but attacks on my heritage. Thank god I'm not part Chinese. And the Viking women DO wear horns and will use them like the devils they are.
I'm Irish on both sides. I've done my share of fighting, mostly as a youth. Since The Rugburns' "Kilkenny Pub" is one of my favorite songs, the nickname for the University of Our Lady bothers me none.
How come the NCAA effectively made all the Indian teams change their mascots but Notre Dame gets to keep stereotyping Irish people as fighting drunks?

I'm part Irish and its offensive to me.

Dressing up a stereotypical red head and pale white skin dude as a leprechaun? That's not worse than calling a team the fighting Sioux?

and when they change their terribly horrible racist name they should get one of the leftover crappy names like red storm or something

It all depends on the money - FSU and Illinois A-OK but North Dakota was just unbearable and had to change!