Racially insensitive NCAA team names

Allen, the most offensive part of your post is that you suggested he write a sonnet. The Irish are famous for their limericks. Beyond insensitive.
Go cry about it then.

Better yet, go write a sonnet while drinking piss whiskey and singing a song in your pansy-ass sing-song accent about a french fry shortage. Then go and lose another fight to a 4'8" guy with the skin tone of a diseased radish.

The best part about global warming is that melting glaciers will submerge most of that mongrel crap island and their crap-ass ashtray beer.

I figured you of all people, being a ginger and all, would be with me on this.
What will it take before you all recognize this bigotry for what it is? What if Notre Dame stadium serve corned beef hash at the concessions? Is that over the line?

The students throw potatoes onto the field while dancing a little Irish jig?
Go cry about it then.

Better yet, go write a sonnet while drinking piss whiskey and singing a song in your pansy-ass sing-song accent about a french fry shortage. Then go and lose another fight to a 4'8" guy with the skin tone of a diseased radish.

The best part about global warming is that melting glaciers will submerge most of that mongrel crap island and their crap-ass ashtray beer.

Koholic attempted some humor
But the reaction is only a stupor
His ignorance showing, his offensiveness growing
Does he ever know where he's going?
What will it take before you all recognize this bigotry for what it is? What if Notre Dame stadium serve corned beef hash at the concessions? Is that over the line?

The students throw potatoes onto the field while dancing a little Irish jig?

Or mostly protestant Tech fans throwing fish at Irish fans and players in reference to the sectarian slur mackerel snappers.
Imagine if Georgia Tech was named the Fighting Orientals and we had the most racist caricature of a chinaman that you could find.


LSU's "The Chinese Bandits" defensive unit of the late 50's says hello. :naughty:
I mean I know you're trolling ND fans but I was trying to say it's kinda weak.

Ah yes. Any offense is trolling :rolleyes:

I suggest we go as the fighting Turks. We'll wear those stupid hats, carry curved swords, and support ISIS.
I think I'll say to the little person working at my neighborhood Wendy's that he is a fine looking Leprechaun. I'll report back how that goes.
Seriously. The name "fighting Irish" isnt being used in any way to honor the Irish, merely to capitalize on stereotypes, such as shamrocks or leprechauns, in much the same manner as the Redskins name is clearly deriding Native Americans, or how the Cleveland Indians mascot, Chief Wahoo is nothing more than a racist caricature.

Actually it is...

The Irish Brigade was an infantry brigade, consisting predominantly of Irish Americans, that served in the Union Army in the American Civil War. The designation of the first regiment in the brigade, the 69th New York Infantry, or the "Fighting 69th", continued in later wars....

Their head chaplain was Fr. William Corby, CSC, a Holy Cross priest. He became famous for his giving conditional absolution to the troops of the Irish Brigade before the Battle of Gettysburg.

That heroic brigade became known as The Fighting Irish. And their brave chaplain who rallied and accompanied them into battle went on to become the third president of a little known Midwest college called Notre Dame. East Coasters began referencing the legendary chaplain’s school as that “Fighting Irishman’s University.”

Boom. Roasted.
This is considered a racist depiction of an Irishman destroying America:


This is not:

I guess the clover makes the second one OK? Doesn't make sense to me. I think this is a racist image that has just become normalized through heavy usage.

Edit: But I'm not Irish so it's not my place to say.
Actually it is...

The Irish Brigade was an infantry brigade, consisting predominantly of Irish Americans, that served in the Union Army in the American Civil War. The designation of the first regiment in the brigade, the 69th New York Infantry, or the "Fighting 69th", continued in later wars....

Their head chaplain was Fr. William Corby, CSC, a Holy Cross priest. He became famous for his giving conditional absolution to the troops of the Irish Brigade before the Battle of Gettysburg.

That heroic brigade became known as The Fighting Irish. And their brave chaplain who rallied and accompanied them into battle went on to become the third president of a little known Midwest college called Notre Dame. East Coasters began referencing the legendary chaplain’s school as that “Fighting Irishman’s University.”

Boom. Roasted.

Oh cool. Some historical cover they came up with after the fact to try and justify their bigotry.

No one has ever tried to do that before.