Resodded Field?

The turf in the 70s was exactly concrete with a rug. It was so hot in the sun the band would not stop marching the whole halftime because it would burn thru our shoes in 3 minutes. Players usually were taped or covered everywhere to avoid rug burns.

Intramural soccer was played in winter quarter and it hurt when you hit the ground. I still marvel that our SAs were able to walk after playing football. Tough son of a guns for sure.
I remember when I was a kid I always wanted to go touch the Astro turf on the field, never got to feel it. It always looked so perfect!
This is the first time I've ever seen someone other than myself say this. I have been fascinated by, borderline obsessed with turf since the 1992 World Series. I had never seen it in-person and was fixated on knowing what it felt like. I had this idea in my head that it was actually rather cushioned or like rubber, otherwise athletes wouldn't go slamming themselves down on it and getting right back up. I finally got to touch it for myself at the Smithsonian in DC. There happened to be a patch of it on a display of 20th century innovations, just sort of tacked on right before the exit, as I recall. It was not at all what I imagined it to be. Probably the worst day of my life. Anyway, the technology behind some of the artificial surfaces out there is just insane. If I ever find my way to the 80k mark and buy a house, I'm going to have the entire yard replaced with cutting edge turf.

I also don't know why people would be so opposed to a new AstroGrant Field. We'd never again have to worry about the dozens of different ways our field and the paint on it manage to look like shit during a given season.
I wouldn’t say they are dumb. Our grounds crew has won multiple awards for their playing surfaces.

Winning awards doesnt validate iq. Just look at the pulitzer system. Lol.

They messed up. Period. And it was a dumb move
Our field usually looks really good. The grounds crew does a good job. Dunno why there was a problem this year.

AstroTurf is for losers.

Winning awards doesnt validate iq. Just look at the pulitzer system. Lol.

They messed up. Period. And it was a dumb move

Is there anything that an keyboard warrior Tech fan doesn’t think he knows everything about?

Didn’t explain why we played on a Saturday, the waited 9 days to sod before a cold snap. I don’t recall many guys slipping or problems, but it doesn’t look very good.
The article had specific quotes saying they wanted to do it earlier but there was a logistics problem and they couldnt get it to BDS, so they decided not to. Then when it wasnt holding up and we had 3 games coming up in 14 days, they had to pick the lesser of 2 evils and go ahead and re-sod. They knew it would look bad but it would play better.
The article had specific quotes saying they wanted to do it earlier but there was a logistics problem and they couldnt get it to BDS, so they decided not to. Then when it wasnt holding up and we had 3 games coming up in 14 days, they had to pick the lesser of 2 evils and go ahead and re-sod. They knew it would look bad but it would play better.
See, this would never be a problem with astroturf. The astrodroids would come out and do it, no need for human labor. This is why it's important to educate our kids about living in the future before being thrust into it. If you're not gonna take them to the library, at least let them watch the Jetsons.
Is there anything that an keyboard warrior Tech fan doesn’t think he knows everything about?


Nope. Its grass. Not a genius topic. Planting when they did is fine for a lawn. Not bermuda for the middle of a football field during November.
Nope. Its grass. Not a genius topic. Planting when they did is fine for a lawn. Not bermuda for the middle of a football field during November.
But Bermuda is extremely durable. Even when sodded our of season. It’s just not green. The winter green alternatives would be shredded.
If we were a school with a turf management degree track this thread would already be 10 pages.
The article had specific quotes saying they wanted to do it earlier but there was a logistics problem and they couldnt get it to BDS, so they decided not to. Then when it wasnt holding up and we had 3 games coming up in 14 days, they had to pick the lesser of 2 evils and go ahead and re-sod. They knew it would look bad but it would play better.
Logistics, from Braselton to Atlanta? Sounds more like, “Can I get 6 trucks tomorrow” “Nope, that’ll take a week”

Not my fault, it’s those daggum logistics.
Some of the very first Astro turf fields had an asphalt base. Our first field may have had one.
Did anyone save part of the old Astro turf field for memorabilia? If so I wouldn’t mind rubbing it! :lol2: