"Richt left Kirby with nothing"

I think you nailed it. The requirements of a head coach have significantly changed over the past 15 years. Dabo is a terrible game-day/tactical coach in the traditional sense; however, he is a great motivator, recruiter and ambassador who is humble enough to surround himself with great coordinators and staff. He appears to be an effective (though goofy) leader. Given CU's resources and sappy/incognizant yet supportive fan base, Dabo is a good fit for CU at this time.

YEP. What perplexes me is how a guy like Dabo can pick a defensive coordinator as outstanding as Venables, but Johnson with all his football wisdom hires Groh and Roof. Groh was an understandable mistake, smart guy but the game seems to have passed him by (e.g., getting our defensive signals stolen by Middle Tennessee and others). Then Roof's a nice guy but he's just not on the same level as a Brent Venables or a Bud Foster, sorry. Was Venables that much pricier? I don't know his history.
YEP. What perplexes me is how a guy like Dabo can pick a defensive coordinator as outstanding as Venables, but Johnson with all his football wisdom hires Groh and Roof. Groh was an understandable mistake, smart guy but the game seems to have passed him by (e.g., getting our defensive signals stolen by Middle Tennessee and others). Then Roof's a nice guy but he's just not on the same level as a Brent Venables or a Bud Foster, sorry. Was Venables that much pricier? I don't know his history.

I don't get why people think Dabo's a bad coach. He is a clown and I'm going to hate him because he is at Clemson. But that doesn't mean I'll say he's a bad coach. He's a good coach.) You're a ööööing idiot if you don't he has been successful at Clemson. He's obviously successful there. Part of coaching is picking good assistants. At this point I think it's pretty obvious he's good at that. Maybe he's not the best X and O's guys but there is more to being a good football coach than drawing up plays. Al Groh is a good example of that right?

Also in terms of compensation:
Ted Roof: ~750K
Brent Venables: 1.41 Million.

Not quite double but close.

Another thing about Groh: he was really cheap. I think we really needed that after firing Hewitt. Groh was paid: 332K in 2012.
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YEP. What perplexes me is how a guy like Dabo can pick a defensive coordinator as outstanding as Venables, but Johnson with all his football wisdom hires Groh and Roof. Groh was an understandable mistake, smart guy but the game seems to have passed him by (e.g., getting our defensive signals stolen by Middle Tennessee and others). Then Roof's a nice guy but he's just not on the same level as a Brent Venables or a Bud Foster, sorry. Was Venables that much pricier? I don't know his history.

It's also career progression. It looks great on a resume to be part of a program turnaround where you take a perennial 6 win team and make them a perennial 10 win team. If candidates believe that GT is a 6 win team that's going to stay a 6 win team, they're less likely to come.
Given the opportunity, you wouldn't surround CPJ with top tier, highly paid coordinators? Or build a world-class training facility/brothel for our SAs and to promote recruiting?

No we're Georgia tech, we're above modern conveniences and prefer to take difficult route only so we can tell everyone that we're taking the difficult route.
No we're Georgia tech, we're above
modern conveniences and prefer to take difficult route only so we can tell everyone that we're taking the difficult route.
Given the opportunity, you wouldn't surround CPJ with top tier, highly paid coordinators? Or build a world-class training facility/brothel for our SAs and to promote recruiting?

Every CS I ever knew talked about the world-class brothels which existed in greater Midtown. Dabo is a clown.
"Dabo is a clown". At least he's not a sour old fart with a chip on his shoulder. He clearly recognizes his own weaknesses and knows what he needs in his assistants to build a successful program. There aren't many Nick Sabans, Urban Meyers, or Kirby Smarts out there. Tech seems to be weighed down right now by arrogance and to some degree loyalty.
It's just a go-to, jerk-off comment that meatheads say to sound smart. CPJ won with CCG recruits, Richt won with Donnan recruits, it just sounds really stupid to me. Plus, like others have said it isn't like UGA has ever recruited badly under Richt. Kirby needs to focus on more important things. For starters, he needs to think about getting a real haircut.

Go Vols.

Before firing: "This guy sucks, he can't recruit, he's a terrible game day coach."
After firing: "I told you that guy sucked!"
6-games in to next season: "This guy is winning with our old coaches' recruits!"
kind of absurd because he didn't know he was leaving until they told him he was

Maybe their problem is GA HS players are as overrated as TX high school players
"Dabo is a clown". At least he's not a sour old fart with a chip on his shoulder. He clearly recognizes his own weaknesses and knows what he needs in his assistants to build a successful program. There aren't many Nick Sabans, Urban Meyers, or Kirby Smarts out there. Tech seems to be weighed down right now by arrogance and to some degree loyalty.

I can understand sentiments against CPJ, he does himself no favors PR wise and is slowly evolving to P5 recruiting. He is the definition of an old school, hardnosed type of coach....similar to virtually every coach I played for growing up in the south.

That said, families of his players consistently speak very highly of him. Reading between the lines...I think there was a huge disconnect between him and MBob. Again, PR is not CPJ's strength and that must be resolved now. I hope the new AD, as a Tech man, understands our culture and rebuilds the support/resources the AA needs to be successful in modern times...starting with football.

While saban/ Meyer are the best, they're at schools whom place football 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the priority list...and finance and academically advise accordingly. There's lots of road kill in their rear view mirrors. Smart has proved nothing yet as a HC.....those guys are a mess.

The times are trying...here's to winning the Dodd way..........