Rueben Houston graduated....

Have you read my posts? I said it was embarrassing to everyone. What I said was you're a jerk to refer to him as a felon when he hasn't been convicted. There have been posts from people who appear to be closer to this that there is more to it than the papers would have you believe. If you also don't think the feds screw up their cases frequently then your world must be pretty interesting too. Is that clear enough for you?

I also noticed on another post they your seem not to believe comments made by a ugag prof that would suggest they are going overboard to find ways cater to the athletic dept. Just kind of funny that it seems anything that's the least bit negative to Tech is top of your radar but when something might be negative to ugag youdiscount it.
GeeTee, you are full of it. Reuben Houston comes from a nice family, he worked his butt off on the field and in class to graduate from a quality school. He has made some mistakes sure, like a lot of young people, but to continue to crucify him for his errors is ridiculous. He has been going to class and only working out to keep his mind off his problems, nothing else. I have heard he will probably have to do a year of hard time, but that is not certain. I just hope and pray he gets enough support from the people around him that really care about him as an individual that will make it possible for him to rehabilitate himself into the fine young man that he can be if given a chance. If he does that, he will be a good representative for our school in my opinion and not someone to be slammed by someone who thinks he is holier than thou. Give the kid a freaking break!
I have forgotten all the charges against him since he was arrested...someone remind me - he was trafficking 100lbs of dope or something right?? I've tried to block this issue out, but its nasty resurgence has me pondering...very embarrassing. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puke.gif
GeeTee, that post is just sick and should be removed from the board. Certainly we hold our student athletes to a higher standard as a representative of the school, but to potentially slander someone who has not been convicted is way over board! I hope RH wins his case now and comes after you. You sir, with the G and T, are causing embarassment to our program.
Funny thing is, I believe it was Oregon that had a player a few years ago who had been involved in a gang which was involved in a shooting. An innocent kid was killed in it. It was on Outside The Lines and they even had the mother of the victim talking on there, saying she didn't think the kid should be allowed to play college football given his past. The Oregon coach said a whole bunch of what you can expect, things like "everyone deserves a second chance" yada yada...yet no one ever talks about this and how embarrassing that should be to Oregon(I believe it was Oregon) but playing an athlete with a felony drug charge after the judge rules he has to be allowed on the team is a complete no-no. I guess it's okay to be involved in a murder as long as you get off scot-free but getting caught for distributing an illegal substance is a little too much.
You DO realize what state the school is in. Not disagrreing with your point, but these crimes are looked at much more liberally than at schools in other states. Maybe UGA should move to the PAC 10.
these crimes are looked at much more liberally than at schools in other states

[/ QUOTE ]
You must have meant- "much more liberally at schools in other states".
This is a very tricky subject for me.

On one hand, I obviously want it that RH has a second chance to learn from this, but be able to move on for the sake of himself, his family, and for a group of people that he does not even know yet. If RH can influence others to not associate with people that could screw up their lives, he will have done a great thing.
I hope it is proven that RH is not guilty of breaking whatever laws he is being accused of. That's for sure.
However, it's not as though he is innocent. If what he was involved with was a very bad decision in a moment of passion, I may feel differently. But it wasn't.

On the other hand, even though RH is a young man, and young men can do some pretty stupid things because of immaturity, he had a responsibility to uphold the reputation of Ga. Tech in the public eye.
One way or another, I will personally forgive Reuben Houston but that will not erase the defaming of Tech that he is responsible for.

Whether or not anyone wants to say it, RH made a series of decisions in this matter, and he knew the damage Tech would take if he got caught.
The public knows what it knows, and won't really care if Reuben is cleared of the punishable charges. The damage to Tech has been done.
I don't believe Reuben can do anything to repay Tech. It's too late for that.

Again, imo all he can do in a positive way is to influence kids to not associate with the wrong crowd. It that sounds fuddy-duddy, so be it.
nice stretch, ncjacket... I show two articles (two of a plethera of articles on the subject, by the way) about Rueben who is facing VERY SERIOUS drug federal drug trafficting charges and the subsequent, factual, embarrassment it brought to our school...and somehow you make a comparison with me because I simply stated that the professor sounds like he has an issue with Adams based on a singtalk post about a professor at neighbor's Christmas party?. um, ok... again, your world must be a fun place to play in. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drink1.gif
glad he graduated, but that felon is a bad apple and caused embarrassment to our program. good riddance, if you ask me.

[/ QUOTE ]


We all feel honoted to be in your presence...the first perfect fleshly body to walk the earth since Jesus Christ.

I would also like to remind you that in the United States of America you are presumed innocent until guilt has been proven in a court of law. Regardless of whether one agrees the football team can have certain rules (and I believe they can) cannot bar them from an education at a public university until proven guilty...and Reuben should be commended for having the intestinal fortitude to come back on campus and finish.

...and btw....there have been many great people across time that rose out of tough beginnings or big mistakes...including crimes like murder.

Whether or not he belongs on a team or not is one issue. But to diminish his value as a human being because you find him to be some sort of embarrassment it just plain arrogant and wrong...perhaps you should solve your own misdoings first.
You're going to have to help me with this.

I said [ QUOTE ]
First, did you read the article you linked? It suggests that there's nothing to tie the school to and the biggest issue is a judge inserting himself in what should be a disciplinary problem. Secondly, no one is trying to whitewash anything, but the FACT is Reuben hasn't been convicted of anything.

[/ QUOTE ]

I also said [ QUOTE ]
Have you read my posts? I said it was embarrassing to everyone.

[/ QUOTE ]

So basically I do understand he was arrested for a serious crime and agreed it was and still is embarrassing to Tech.

Then I said [ QUOTE ]
I also noticed on another post they your seem not to believe comments made by a ugag prof that would suggest they are going overboard to find ways cater to the athletic dept. Just kind of funny that it seems anything that's the least bit negative to Tech is top of your radar but when something might be negative to ugag youdiscount it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure what you think I'm comparing you to. I'm telling you that it's interesting to me that you seem to be quick to jump on any issue that's negative towards Tech but when someone talks about something that's negative towards ugag you don't buy it.

You do see those are two different subjects right? The first is that I take issue with you calling Reuben a felon when he hasn't been convicted. The second is I think it's interesting that you'd defend ugag but not a Tech SA. Just seems kind of funny to me.
my my...I'm saying Rueben has brought our school lots of negative press. Felon? the courts will decide. Felon? probably, unfortuneately based on reports. Defend Ugag bc of a post about someone's Christmas party? lol! First of, that is comparing apples to oranges with a stingtalk post about Ugag and Houston...and secondly, to defend Ugag period. Logic alludes you.
Logic alludes you.

[/ QUOTE ]
Brains Elude you.

v : make a more or less disguised reference to; "He alluded to the problem but did not mention it" [syn: touch, advert]

e·lude ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-ld)
tr.v. e·lud·ed, e·lud·ing, e·ludes
To evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill: The suspect continues to elude the police.
To escape the understanding or grasp of: a name that has always eluded me; a metaphor that eluded them. See Synonyms at escape.
Sorry to be so dense, but just what do you think was being compared. CAN YOU NOT READ???? TWO DIFFERENT SUBJECTS. I guess I screwed up to think you could handle two thoughts in one thread/post?

On the original point, if you had said 1) Reuben embarrassed us all, and 2) he's charged with a felony, none of the rest of this crap would have ever happened. Get it?
Hiver, it seems to me that he was caught with 100lbs of drugs in his car, if I understand correctly....I just cant believe he was unaware of such a cargo and/or associated himself with people who would organize such a thing innocently (his freedom is left to crafty lawyers)...and if you arent as embarrassed by this individual who is representing our school as GeeTee, etc is, you are living in some "happy" land. I'm sure we are all for him getting back on track and making a good life for himself starting with graduating....but there is no room on this team/school for such people - I'm glad he finished school, but frankly I cant believe he was allowed to play the last couple of games...I'm with GeeTee, help him get his degree sure, but send him on his way and lets find kids who represent our institution well and if not have the nads to send them packing.

Additionally - did you really mean this??

"rose out of tough beginnings or big mistakes...including crimes like murder" MURDER?? are you serious?? are you saying that if this kid committed a murder you would have compassion for him and want to help him?? Where is this "happy" land?? Regardless - I have no sympathy for crime, and soft attitudes like yours is one of the reasons why there is so much crime running rampant in this country. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
It was embarrassing, and still is.

But several of your "facts" are wrong. First it wasn't his car. A guy picked him up so RH could show him how to get to someone else's house. RH had his daughter with him and asked if they could drop her off somewhere. The stories vary, but either a) RH knew there were drugs in the SUV and was showing him where the deal would go down, or b) he had some idea the guy wanted to hook up with someone for a drug sale but didn't know the drugs were actually in the SUV, c) he didn't know there was a drug deal going down. I don't pretend to know the real answer, but there is at least some question as to what the facts actually are.

Tech did suspend him from school and the team. A judge forced him back into school, then back onto the team. IIRC Tech appealed or at last fought the ruling but lost. Chan was told he had to treat him "like any other player on the team". He took that to mean you play the best players. I'm not sure what legal advice he was given, but don't think it's too far fetched to think that we would have been back in court if a player who is clearly one of our most talented DBs sat the bench.

One other factor in this is that the team seems pretty united in support of RH. Don't know if that means they think he was framed or setup or whether it's simply that he's their friend and they want the best for him. I would guess that probably played into him getting back onto the field after the judge forced him onto the team.

This is a bad situation all around. RH isn't some noble figure nor is he a gangster from all accounts. He's a kid who did something monumentally stupid. But he does appear to be doing his best to make amends and get himself right.

Plus, as many have noted, he has not been convicted of anything yet. As mentioned above we don't know the real story yet...why not wait until we do to stone the kid?
And that kid who made those bombs on campus too!
I'm happy for Reuben Houston. He got his second chance and he made the most of it. I wish him all the best and thank him for his time on the flats.
Considering I'm probably the only person on this board who has ever talked at length with Rueben, I'll go ahead and say that everyone taking shots at him should be thankful they've never had to meet the guy face to face, and realize what a great person he really is. I've known him for almost 7 years now, from Starr's Mill, to GT, and he's never been anything short of the scholar-athlete some of you people claim to be so concerned about our school having.
Additionally - did you really mean this??

"rose out of tough beginnings or big mistakes...including crimes like murder" MURDER?? are you serious?? are you saying that if this kid committed a murder you would have compassion for him and want to help him?? Where is this "happy" land?? Regardless - I have no sympathy for crime, and soft attitudes like yours is one of the reasons why there is so much crime running rampant in this country. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

...and I am a card carrying conservative Republican guys....

I am not saying to shower murderers with kisses...I am just saying that you cannot say without question that someone is useless as a human being for the rest of their life. Trust me...this person will have their judgement before someone a lot more powerful than us.

You asked if I was serious about someone rising on do to great things after committing murder. ABSOLUTELY. I will kick it off with the Apostle Paul who went on to write much of the New Testament...and how about Moses...he did some alright things.

The only difference between Reuben Houston and a lot of the guys I knew in my dorm on west campus during the mid-80's was that Reuben was caught. Also...there are much harder drugs on the campus of Georgia Tech being used/sold than pot.

Back to my original point...I agree that he is guilty of something. I do not know what because I do not have all of the facts. HOWEVER...he IS innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. That is what makes us the United States...and not the old Iraq.