Saban retiring

Very odd hire from the standpoint of no coaching experience in the South. Very good HC though.

Wasn't Saban's retirement out of the blue and only 2 days ago. How do they hire someone that quickly?
Wasn't Saban's retirement out of the blue and only 2 days ago. How do they hire someone that quickly?
They have to, so all those stars don't flood the portal. Plus, I wouldn't call it out of the blue. Maybe surprising, but not out of the blue.
But, but. but - but what about DEBO!!!!! Did they even consider him?
Never want to be the guy who immediately follows a legend. Bud Carson, Ray Perkins, Ray Goof, Frank Solich, Ron Zook...
what is this thing with coaching in the South? A lot of really good coaches come from the Great Lakes and Midwest. Saban included.
Never want to be the guy who immediately follows a legend. Bud Carson, Ray Perkins, Ray Goof, Frank Solich, Ron Zook...
There used to be a joke for many years after Bear Bryant retired: How many Alabama fans does it take to change a light bulb? Three. One to change the bulb and two to talk about how much brighter the old bulb was.
They have to, so all those stars don't flood the portal. Plus, I wouldn't call it out of the blue. Maybe surprising, but not out of the blue.
Yes. Saw where someone said the Alabama players were asked to wait 72 hours before entering the portal so sounds like the plan was for a quick hire.
Good God.
Good luck, DeBoer. That is an almost insurmountable W/L record

If you can believe it, his .896 winning % (104-12) is higher than Saban's .889 at Bama. He won 67 of 70 at the NAIA level though, which ain't exactly the same as the SSSSSSEEEEEECCCCCCCCC.
Good God.
Good luck, DeBoer. That is an almost insurmountable W/L record
WOW indeed. quick math. 206-29 record in 17 seasons. 9 SEC championships, 6 national titles.
87.66% winning 12.11 wins/season 1.7 losses/season 52% Silly Excuse conference champs/year. 35% winning the Natty/year. Like climbing the Matterhorn in the dark without a rope and blindfolded. Good Luck DeBoer indeed!
what is this thing with coaching in the South? A lot of really good coaches come from the Great Lakes and Midwest. Saban included.

I think it's less about coaching quality and more about the connections they have for recruiting. Probably matters much less now than twenty years ago.