Sat Games 11/23 - SEC in flames

I think if one approaches the question objectively and with a clear mind, Wyoming easily has the best home uniforms in all the wide world of sprot.


I am interested in hearing differing opinions though, all retards are welcome here.
I think if one approaches the question objectively and with a clear mind, Wyoming easily has the best home uniforms in all the wide world of sprot.


I am interested in hearing differing opinions though, all retards are welcome here.

Our uniforms Thursday night were fresh af. And we don’t look like the padres
I think if one approaches the question objectively and with a clear mind, Wyoming easily has the best home uniforms in all the wide world of sprot.


I am interested in hearing differing opinions though, all retards are welcome here.
Doesn't do anything for me. I think our all whites look far better than that, although the numbers and names are hard to read from a distance.
Funny to see the rest of the SEC experience the rigging at Texas and OU
What if Bama is purposely dropping the game to avoid the title game to back door their way into the playoff?