I finally found out where my tickets would be after my first purchase of full season tickets. I thought it would be interesting to hear where the rest of the Stingtalkers were and if any were near me. We have a group of 18 sitting in 223 rows 17 and 18 on the ends I think 21-30. I was very pleased since I grew up sitting in 223 only a few rows down until my dad changed sections when I went to college.
I'm not going to try to call anyone cheap or what not as theres already a thread on that but I do have to say that within the 18 of us the oldest alum is only 2 years out of school. We all work or go to grad school. I consider it a privilege to support my school whether I have the money or not. If anyone is on the fence I encourage you to man up and cut costs elsewhere. You could pay for it by not paying for birth control, dumping your girlfriend, go to the spank bank, sell your kid, rob an old dawg fan, etc.
I'm not going to try to call anyone cheap or what not as theres already a thread on that but I do have to say that within the 18 of us the oldest alum is only 2 years out of school. We all work or go to grad school. I consider it a privilege to support my school whether I have the money or not. If anyone is on the fence I encourage you to man up and cut costs elsewhere. You could pay for it by not paying for birth control, dumping your girlfriend, go to the spank bank, sell your kid, rob an old dawg fan, etc.