Sky is Falling Sky is Falling

AWB has expressed what I've felt for a while.DB is an overpaid mistake.Also CG is being paid a $million to be on TOP of situations.I guarantee you he didn't come to his job negotiations and say "because I don't know the pitfalls of the present college system you can knock 300k off my pay until I get up to speed".He also is being TOP dollar to produce top returns.Nice man but so far it has been a poor return on investment.

I dont mean to flame you..Honestly..I LOVED Ted Roof as a player/member of the great Black Watch defenses...

But, unlike you, im a realist, Ted is not ready to be a Coordinator at a Major Football power (Now at Duke this might be a good fit for him but not at a GT or FSU or Notre Dame) much less a Head Coach...
I've asked this a number of times with no answer. Maybe somebody will take a shot this time.

If a coach is told by GTAA and the Admin. to stay out of the academic side of things, just how does he keep up on what's going on? The profs won't tell him (in fact I think it's illegal for them to divulge grades isn't it?). The players won't, in this example the academic advisors can't/won't. Now I understand the feeling that he should have been in Braine's office raising hell about it, but if he had and it hadn't worked, just how would he do what he's being blamed for not doing?

Your blaming Coach Gailey on Flunkgate??
I dont question that Ted would have probably prevented most of Flunkgate..ONLY because he has been at GT SO LONG....
Any reasonable person cant blame Chan for Flunkgate..He being here just 1 year...Again he was HAD on that one...It wont happen again as He now knows the lay of the land here at GT now...Its just a shame someone Whos been here a while wasnt looking out for him....But to blame Chan would be unfair....