So now South Carolina trims the hedges too?

I have a golden privet hedge around my deck. Every winter I cut it down to about a foot tall, and by the fall, it's grown to about 6 feet. I'm sure there are landscapers trimming those hedges every month, so breaking a few sprigs off is not hurting the plants. I'm sure the dwags don't like the insult, but there's no injury.

That is the truth. It is crazy how much UGA cares.

If UGA was smart, they would have a guy down there that was trimming off pieces with clean cuts and handing them out. Make it a new tradition. ;-)
The difference is those trees took 70-80 years to grow they really were irreplaceable. If we killed the hedge to the ground, they could be replaced and like new within 12 months. Like everyone else, killing them is 100% different than taking a few branches.

Didn’t Auburn replace them?
TIL: UGA is part of the Georgia Invasive Species Task Force. Which, among other things, advocates for using "Use Non-Invasive Alternatives" when planting.

I guess that's just another bullet point in their long list of fuckery.

öööö UGA.
I know we have an agreement to not rip them up but what happens next time we win there? You think those kids are gonna listen? Nope
They are essentially weeds.
I have a golden privet hedge around my deck. Every winter I cut it down to about a foot tall, and by the fall, it's grown to about 6 feet. I'm sure there are landscapers trimming those hedges every month, so breaking a few sprigs off is not hurting the plants. I'm sure the dwags don't like the insult, but there's no injury.
Kill that ööööing thing.
The difference is those trees took 70-80 years to grow they really were irreplaceable. If we killed the hedge to the ground, they could be replaced and like new within 12 months. Like everyone else, killing them is 100% different than taking a few branches.
Killing them is what you do to an invasive species of plant. Hell, drive through the country and look under trees and fence lines. Crap privets springing up and taking over anywhere a bird shits out the seed.

Hell, UGAg may as well grow the Kudzu from the railroad tracks up the side of that shithole stadium of theirs and somehow call that a tradition too. Also should stock that shit creek running beneath the field with snakehead fish.
Every time this comes up, I like to remind them the school had no trouble ripping up those damn things to play soccer there. Yeah, some damn tradition.
Another thing, UGA fans should want those things removed. It is an awful tradition that does nothing but separate the fan from the field.

When I sit in the front row at Bobby Dodd, I can almost reach out and touch the players and have to dodge the spit when Johnson used to chew out an OLine man.

At the Cesspool, they have a walking path, then a fence, then the hedges between the the fans and the players. You can't hope to see the sideline from the first 20 rows or so at Sanford because of those damn hedges. Some idiot once said "between the hedges" and UGA fans were stupid enough to think: oh, this is a tradition, a tradition like no other (even though Auburn has hedges, they just aren't stupid enough to make weeds part of school traditions). It is only a tradition that no other program would want or desires.