So They Are well on their way

I'm sure even if there is calc in the business classes, the athletic tutors turn it into paint by numbers. "OK, you need to take the derivative. That means you take the little number up top, put it in front, then subtract one from it. Yes... good job."

Not to diminish the players' accomplishments. I'm sure the players have to put in way more mental effort than at other schools. But from everything I've heard GT's academics are dumbed-down for athletes
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I take it that you've never actually taken any business classes at Tech.

No, but I occasionally taught over there. - gtphd


Dise got no response to that. B*tch
I'm sure even if there is calc in the business classes, the athletic tutors turn it into paint by numbers. "OK, you need to take the derivative. That means you take the little number up top, put it in front, then subtract one from it. Yes... good job."

Not to diminish the players' accomplishments. I'm sure the players have to put in way more mental effort than at other schools. But from everything I've heard GT's academics are dumbed-down for athletes

So we can either believe you or believe the guy that's actually taught the classes?

Man you try so hard to be contrary.
Texas you moran

The Carter family is somewhat understanding of all this. They certainly landed on their feet. Toneil Carter, the all-time leading rusher and scorer in Langham Creek (Houston, Texas) High history, accepted a scholarship offer from the University of Texas later in the day Monday. He also was holding immediate offers from Baylor and Florida State after Georgia bailed.

Context is always helpful....

Although USNEWS does have UGA tied with Texas at #56... So academically it's a toss-up there. But Texas' coaching problems I cant blame the kid being skeptical. Not that UGA is much better.

Also, amazingly, UF is ranked higher than UGA so technically UGA is the second highest ranked public school. 3rd overall...
The Carter family is somewhat understanding of all this. They certainly landed on their feet. Toneil Carter, the all-time leading rusher and scorer in Langham Creek (Houston, Texas) High history, accepted a scholarship offer from the University of Texas later in the day Monday. He also was holding immediate offers from Baylor and Florida State after Georgia bailed.

Context is always helpful....

Although USNEWS does have UGA tied with Texas at #56... So academically it's a toss-up there. But Texas' coaching problems I cant blame the kid being skeptical. Not that UGA is much better.

Also, amazingly, UF is ranked higher than UGA so technically UGA is the second highest ranked public school. 3rd overall...
UF has always been higher ranked than UGA. Second to Vandy in the SEC
I'm sure even if there is calc in the business classes, the athletic tutors turn it into paint by numbers. "OK, you need to take the derivative. That means you take the little number up top, put it in front, then subtract one from it. Yes... good job."

Not to diminish the players' accomplishments. I'm sure the players have to put in way more mental effort than at other schools. But from everything I've heard GT's academics are dumbed-down for athletes
Let me know which classes you are talking about? Will could use some GPA padding "dumbed-down for athletes" classes... He must not have the inside scoop because he has not taken any of those yet.
At Tech - yes, much more complicated at other schools. Tech Business majors use Calculus to derive inventory optimization equations, then program Excel to run linear optimization models from that equation. At other schools, the Business majors plug in numbers to the already solved model and use algebra to solve for an unknown.

Why does Tech teach like that? Because solving programs from first principals (which is the pervasive educational model at Tech) allows you to understand the assumptions that go into the model and make you a better problem solver.

I graduated from the business school in 2015 and never did either of those things. That's just an anecdote.