Spurrier retiring

Every SC fan I have spoken with fully expected this and have nothing but respect for Spurrier. They get it, he's 70, the season isn't going anywhere, and him leaving early allows the school time to actually start a search and start properly recruiting kids without him. I haven't heard anyone, outside of random media douches, refer to him as a dick who is quitting on his team.
What Spurrier did for USCe far outweighs any negativity the past year. If anyone USCe fan is butthurt about it, I hope they remember the the pre-Spurrier years when they won:

6, 5, 5, 9, 8, 0, 1, 5, 6, 4, 7, 4, 5, 3 games (less than 5 per year).

He made a irrelevant school relevant.

Still a bitch move to quit mid-season.

He couldn't stick it out for 6 more games and then head off into the sunset?
Still a bitch move to quit mid-season.

He couldn't stick it out for 6 more games and then head off into the sunset?

He still announce his retirement and make it so the next coach could be picked and coach the rest of the season. What does him quitting entirely buy the players or school? It sure makes things easier on Spurrier though. He's always been a dick and this fits in. Doesn't mean he wasn't a great coach though.
Not sure why everyone here is kissing Spurrier's ass since he was no fan of GT. Anyone remember the 'welcome to the basement Techies' bit on the Wallace Wade scoreboard after that 30-point pasting in 1987?

Sure he took some funny potshots at UGA, but he would've taken them at GT, too, had we been relevant enough to play a bowl game against UF in the 90s.

Also, Mark Bradley is a douche.
Not sure why everyone here is kissing Spurrier's ass since he was no fan of GT. Anyone remember the 'welcome to the basement Techies' bit on the Wallace Wade scoreboard after that 30-point pasting in 1987?

that's just butthurt about getting passed over here at tech
Not sure why everyone here is kissing Spurrier's ass since he was no fan of GT. Anyone remember the 'welcome to the basement Techies' bit on the Wallace Wade scoreboard after that 30-point pasting in 1987?

Sure he took some funny potshots at UGA, but he would've taken them at GT, too, had we been relevant enough to play a bowl game against UF in the 90s.

Also, Mark Bradley is a douche.

Maybe. But man am i glad as hell he didnt end up at uga as head coach. Lol. We woulda lost 25 in a row
He didn't retire; he resigned.

"First of all, I'm resigning and not retiring," Spurrier said Tuesday. "I doubt if I'll ever be a head coach again ... but don't say I've retired completely. Who knows what will come in the future?

He may or may not have been forced out.