Spurrier spotting

And why is it that whenever I start a thread here, which is very few, it becomes a complete shit on GTMom fest?!?
This was a chance for a an inexpensive trip to the beach this year, plus I can write the whole trip off since my friend is also a business associate and I have been working while here.
Don't worry, coit's beaches aren't much better.
I'm not worried in the least, Mr. GT1992. You people must have me confused with someone who actually gives a damn.
Mr makes me feel old. I'm not coit. Daytona is ok, but it is a red neck area, thus we have to give you hell. It's full of SEC fans, see Spurrier.
I'm not worried in the least, Mr. GT1992. You people must have me confused with someone who actually gives a damn.

Mr makes me feel old. I'm not coit. Daytona is ok, but it is a red neck area, thus we have to give you hell. It's full of SEC fans, see Spurrier.
Well, I guess it wouldn't be ST if all you GT nerds weren't giving the only gal on here a hard time....and I'm sure none of you have ever vacationed amongst any other SEC people. Come on, this is the south! They are everywhere you go, that doesn't make me an SEC fan, a dwag fan, a redneck, or white trash anymore than you guys messaging on a GT forum makes you experts on every topic under the sun.
...and now that I think about it; while I'm swishing, what's to keep my thumps from typing on my phone? Got any ideas of what I can do with my hands to keep me from posting on here?

I don't know you that well, but surely you have a skill or a trade you could ply that will get you attention that isn't as cheap and hollow as the stuff that keeps you coming back to the ST well and pumping the dumb blonde act on desperate, bitter, lonely old men. I think everybody involved would feel much better about the whole situation, were that the case.
Oh, well excuse me, your highness . I didn't know I was in the presence of royalty. Why don't you get off your high horse and go find someone else to brag to. I'm not impressed.
I will try to impress you if you ever make an attempt to work yourself up to a solid 7. Until then, keep in the kitchen Hazel.
Well, I guess it wouldn't be ST if all you GT nerds weren't giving the only gal on here a hard time....and I'm sure none of you have ever vacationed amongst any other SEC people. Come on, this is the south! They are everywhere you go, that doesn't make me an SEC fan, a dwag fan, a redneck, or white trash anymore than you guys messaging on a GT forum makes you experts on every topic under the sun.
I'm a nerd? Thank you for telling me I'm intelligent and not part of the vacuous masses that make up this country.