Stingtalk vs. "the hive"

I enjoy StingTalk much, much more. It's more user-friendly AND fan-friendy over here. You can state your opinion, good or bad, and not get flamed endlessly and/or nuked if your opinion differs from an admin.
I moved over here after my post game analysis of the Clemson fiasco was scratched by Hive moderators.... I wasn't outing SA's or coaches I just told it like I saw it...
I tried to remain with the Hive and StingTalk thru the entire season but when the Hive was literally shut down shortly after the beginning of the 2nd half in College Park, MD I'd had it with The Hive...
I don't see anything humorous about not allowing honest opinions and debate when it can be a useful forum to 'vent' a little bit... If my team sucks I'll admit it... Will I still cheer and root my team on??? Of Course!!! But I'll also tell it like I see it and yes sometimes the truth hurts...
I'm wary of the upcoming season... of course under current standards If the Jackets don't get off to a good start the Hive may be on permanent lock down until baseball season... and we thought the Iron Curtain had fallen 12 years ago...
The Hive today is a very different place than it was when I started going there in '97..>Back then it was hilarious, and informative...There was no censoring because it just wasn't necessary. Almost nobody from back then posts anymore. But it had a great character about it.

Then it got so popular, a lot of (IMO)fairweather tech fans and fans with little knowledge of FB started coming on and a lot of the original guys became lurkers etc...

By the time it converted to the current format, it was a completely different place - I go just to check out any news etc, but hardly ever post there anymore.

This place seems to have the die-hard fans IMO - and fans with great FB knowledge..Even the people I disagree with here, seem to have well thought-out ideas etc that I can respect. Dialog seems more honest too, something I like...

VERY grateful to have this board !!!
I think you get the in-depth discussions over here more, with quick comments over there more but I think that's due to their non-threaded format. They had that as an option on the Hive for awhile but then it quit working and I haven't been able to get it back (non-threaded view).

For awhile there it looked like traffic was dying down over here but I think it's picked back up in recent months. If nothing else, I use the War Room page almost every day. Love this board.
They both have their good and bad points. Hive at time is more informative, ST more innovative for it's lively discussions without fear of being booted off until someone totally gets out of hand. I like being able to select what I want to read without going down the page on ST. Like I said both have their good and bad.
I have a good question for this thread that is pertinent to this Board, when is the last time you saw GTFan or Beestorm get involved in a thread to curtail it or pose an opinion?

I have never seen it here - they allow us to speak to each other without trying to re-direct our discussions. I applaud the job they have done here and I always had the sense that posters here were more of a family!!
Yes MsTA.. we are a family... "The Bickersons".. That's us ! remeber that old show?.. They were hysterical !
You can certainly speak your mind on Stingtalk (not that I post that much), but the clincher for me is that this is a much friendlier board than that other one.
The Hive and Stingtalk are like all other facets of humanity, "different strokes for different folks".

Personally, I like the ability to state my views and hear the other person's views. If you hear only one side of an argument, you miss the truth, which is normally somewhere in between. Listening to one side of an issue is like reading the AJC.

It appears to me Stingtalk has weathered just about all posts on the board. At this time, I really don't see any poster that is way out of line, unless it is me.

FWIW, I disliked several things about the new "Hive" and have not posted anywhere since the demise of the original version..1)that board seems slow and difficult to navigate..2)don't like the commercialism .."ie, I know this but won't tell you unless you pay me" ..granted, the stipend required is modest but the concept is disturbing to me..3)as has been noted,the original Hive had a sense of humour that has been absent on the new's probably not related to the move but noticeable none the less...4) I have been a lurker here at times and want to know is there a font that is similar to RR at the old Hive.Is so, I want to thank him/her/them for maintaining a commercial-free site.I know it must take alot of work.

I like the format here much better myself but the Hive still gets rave reviews. I had a buddy, NATF (Not A TECH Fan), tell me he had stumbled across it and he seems to think it's fantastic. I like it fine as well. The boards are very special to us OOTs (Out of Towners).
Kennesawkid, as a 4-year webtv user who finally gets to chunk his in the trash this week with the purchase of a Gateway, my heart goes out to you! Hang in there!
I love Stingtalk, here my insanity is tolerated, there is more camaraderie among GT faithful also. I feel free to run my mouth and jaw with whoever about whatever. I consider myself fortunate to be a part of this community.

I like The Hive also, there is room and reason for all of these boards.

Thanks sponsors and admins.
FWIW, I've never seen a thread on the Hive talking about StingTalk. No judgement, but what does that say?
It probably says a few things, but no big deal. I like both boards and I think most read both.

I will say I have seen a post on Territory comparing it to Warchant. What does that tell you about Territory?

What do you think that tells you about Territory?
I love me some stingtalk
who says there is no sense of humor on this board,ever seen belly and ahso go at it
what about beebad and ramblewise and their zaney comments?
yeah, we have it pretty good here with mods who aren't so quick to pull or condem posts and don't have god complexes
Originally posted by Thomsonjacket:
I love me some stingtalk
who says there is no sense of humor on this board,ever seen belly and ahso go at it
what about beebad and ramblewise and their zaney comments?
yeah, we have it pretty good here with mods who aren't so quick to pull or condem posts and don't have god complexes
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I say there's no humor over here.

Ironically, Beeware was/is one of the most humorous posters over here when he gets away from his dead horse beating. Where is he, btw?
Originally posted by ncjacket:
FWIW, I've never seen a thread on the Hive talking about StingTalk. No judgement, but what does that say?
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">__________________________________________

You have to be kidding , right ?
I see constant references to this board - some which are quite negative, by posters I see on this board a lot (which, FWIW, totally perplexes me).....
Stingtalk still has a free chatroom... which the hive does not... watch what happens come the BYU game.. hivers will show up en masse like freeloaders at a brewery hospitality room... We'll need a couple bouncers at the door to keep the riff raff out...