Tech Respect?

I respect Georgia Tech, Cal Tech, and MIT. The rest of the techs are just like any other school

We're the only Tech that matters in college athletics. When people say Tech that should mean us

Tech should have required VPI to use something else when it joined the ACC. They would have quickly agreed. We gave away our "Tech" moniker nationwide by bringing them in (legitimized them as a technical school). It makes me puke to see crimson TECH shirts all over Maryland now.
Although a GT fan to the core, I did not attend GT. Nor did I go to VT.

My question to GT alums: is there a grudging respect for VT and its fanbase because they are a fellow "tech?"

If so, would this respect be extended to other techs, such as Texas Tech?

Thanks in advance.
Got an old HS girlfriend who went to tTu. She said way back when the school was formed the regents and legislators couldn't handle tIt as an acronym.