Tech v clemson gametime?

I can live with noon. I’ll be heading to Anderson Friday morning anyway.
Since our mod @Akinji07 has not answered me yet. I have an extra ticket. Visitor side about the 35 yard line. Front row. Wear blue or gold.
12pm kickoff is ööööing terrible. It’s basically a go to Clemson, go to game and come home deal. Why do we get prime time spots when we suck and this shit when we start winning again?
12pm kickoff is ööööing terrible. It’s basically a go to Clemson, go to game and come home deal. Why do we get prime time spots when we suck and this öööö when we start winning again?
I’d be more upset if it was a home game. I’d rather them not have a rowdy crowd from tailgating all day.
12pm kickoff is ööööing terrible. It’s basically a go to Clemson, go to game and come home deal. Why do we get prime time spots when we suck and this öööö when we start winning again?

3:30 would be best, but I’ll take noon over 8pm game anyday. Noon makes it a doable day trip… no need to book the Clemson SC Motel 6 for $350 a night
I’d be more upset if it was a home game. I’d rather them not have a rowdy crowd from tailgating all day.
I’ll allow it. I was thinking for my plans but the greater good wins.