Tennessee Coaches and The Option

Tbh, they've got a really good coaching staff. Makes you wonder why they haven't turned the corner to get back to fulmer level success and if there's some program level reason above and beyond personnel. I can only hope uga goes through similar turmoil.

supposedly Jones turned over his staff when they crashed last yr esp DEF,they have highly -rated recruits at every position so talent is not a big problem
Isn't this mitigated by a new QB and B-back?

Maybe, but CPJ can change his blocking schemes and play calling to adjust to what the defense is showing as long as he has experienced blockers to execute those changes. I don't think the UT defense will be able to deviate much from their initial defensive strategy. Unfortunately, in our opening games, it can be a challenge to execute anything.
I've heard through a secret friend that Kentucky's Stoops has been telling UT all the secrets to defending against GT. This friend says he has been very helpful until he goes into a hissy fit about cut blocks.
Defensive players have to be smart and very disciplined to succeed against our offense. Does UT have such personnel? We'll see.
Defensive players have to be smart and very disciplined to succeed against our offense. Does UT have such personnel? We'll see.

Well, here's the deal. We just lost our starting MLB who is probably our best defensive player. He's replaced by a guy who is the epitome of a gym rat, he's always where he is supposed to be. But maybe a half step late. Basically me. A somewhat slow white kid that knows exactly where he's supposed to be and knows where everyone else is supposed to be.
Neither guy was injured by a cut block, iirc

Replays showed that neither legal cut blocks nor illegal chop blocks were directly responsible for the back-to-back injuries Kentucky's defensive line suffered against Georgia Tech. Rather, it appeared that Miggins and Bell each fell over the pile of bodies created by the quick push Tech's line generated as the quarterback decided whether to hand the ball to a fullback, run it himself or pitch it to a running back.

That's so awesome.