Thank you Stingtalk, go to hell BBuzzoff

Pls give me your personal account about how Gailey had such fine character, not I heard this, I heard that etc. Prove that Gailey had such fine character from what I heard it was not so fine.

He showed up for a commitment at Lunch Bunch hours after being fired and conducted himself with dignity and class.

He called recruits after being fired and urged them to keep their commitment to Tech.

Gailey is a frickin' saint compared to your sorry ass, foghole.
As for his character he said many things that embarrassed Tech and he said them on radio etc, remember the time when he was asked about a certain Ugag player and he remarked I didn't know that per the AJC in an interview. My gosh man it was his job to know that. Remember he also said UGag was just another game. He also said the QB position was open in the spring then proceeded to name the 1st, 2nd and 3rd QB position some who had never played a down.

Really OF, this is reaching. If this is all you can come up with as to why Chan didn't exhibit any strong character, then its quite apparent that you just don't want to admit when you are wrong.

You said:
Do you know what happened the morn Gailey was terminated? I do and the things that happened did not show me any character. They showed me a man filled with hate, and disgust.

What you explained above doesn't seem to reflect hate and disgust, only he was disappointed and upset that he was fired. Who wouldn't be? The fact that he showed up to lunch bunch to speak after he was fired showed a lot of class and certainly not someone who was filled with "Hate and Disgust". Stop reaching.

Now you answer me how do you know he was such a man of character. As for his recruiting we had 4 yes four years of substandard recruiting. I guess the light went on for him like he said it did for A J Suggs. I actually feel sorry for A J, Ball, and TB to have played for a guy who knew nothing of the QB position. Don't believe look at all the QB transfers, example Hall who transferred and then was drafted by the NFL didn't play but was drafted.

Chan Gailey's lack of recruiting skills early on and failure to develop a viable quarterback are completely irrelevant to this discussion. Chan Gailey failed miserably in developing a QB at GT and his recruiting for about 3 years stunk to high hell, but it doesn't mean he was a man of little character. I also met the man on more than a few occassions and one thing that always impressed me about Gailey is how much he cared for his players. Go ask people who were recruited by Gailey and played for Gailey how they felt about him. They care for the man deeply.

Your examples of O'Leary's recruits disliking Gailey are also irrelevant. Most coaches experience the same thing Gailey did. Would it surprise you to know that the MAJORITY of Curry's recruits who played for Bobby Ross did not like Ross? That's the truth. I played golf with some ex-GT football players who graduated in 88 and 89. I asked them if it was common for players recruited under one coach to dislike the new coach, and they all agreed it was very common. They even told me that they didn't care for Ross and were quite shocked he won a NC.

As far as Gailey goes I met the man several time and the best way I could describe him he had no personality......Was he a good man with character I don't know and I doubt anyone who posts here really knows. From his actions I would personally call into question his character. But like I said who knows.

Yeah really, who knows? You obviously think you know. Again, these are blanket statements with no evidence only an opinion that he has little character. Everything we know to be true would indicate that you are wrong Old Foggy.

You have yet to make any significant statements that would indicate Chan Gailey has no or very little character. The man is gone. He was a slightly above average coach who coudln't beat his main rival. But to trash him that he doesn't have character now that he is gone is pathetic.

The actuality of your problem OF is that you need to rationalize to yourself that Chan Gailey has little character so that it would support your actions in trashing Gailey. Thats the real issue here. You keep stating over and over again that "BO WAS RIGHT!!" No they were not right. They acted like little maggots who trashed anything and everything about our program, and you are making your best feeble attempt to somehow say that was justified because Chan Gailey had character issues. No it's not justified. Chan Gailey doesn't have character issues... some of our fans do.

That board has never been right about anything. Each year the majority predicted this would be the year we would lose our ass, and we didn't. We always won slightly more than we lost. And that drove them crazy because they so desperately wanted Chan gone. The opinion that Chan Gailey was the wrong man for the GT job is not an opinion that was patented on Buzzoff. I know many Stingtalkers and people who frequent the Hive that felt the same way. In fact, there are many famous Hivers who have not been a fan of Gailey for a long long time. They just don't see the need to come on a message board forum and trash him as it serves no purpose.

Anyone who thinks BO had any influence in the decision making process to fire Chan Gailey is off their rocker. There may be two posters on BO who contribute anything to our program financially. 33Jacket I believe is one of them. The rest of them even with this coaching change which is what they wanted, won't pony up the dollars to support our program. The eternal excuse is: "I'll give when they prove to me they have have a real program". I doubt DRAD is holding his breath on that money. It won't ever come. That idea of contributing is what is wrong with those fans.

You guys praise Taz Anderson for being a beacon of rationale because he was so outspoken about our program and Gailey. Taz Anderson also gives signifcant dollars that most of us cannot afford to, EVEN WHEN THE PROGRAM IS NOT LIVING UP TO HIS EXPECTATIONS.

That's the difference between guys with balls and guys with no balls. The majority of BO, has no balls.
Pls give me your personal account about how Gailey had such fine character, not I heard this, I heard that etc. Prove that Gailey had such fine character from what I heard it was not so fine.

Well, the lunch bunch thing was already mentioned, but let me point out a simple flaw here. you have yet to show any substance in trying to defend your stance that Gailey has little character. I'm talking facts OF, you know those pesky things that would validate your opinion.

Instead, you want to turn around the question to put us on the defense in explaining why he does have character, all the while not validating your first comments. This is a tactic used by people who cannot defend their own arguement. Its pathetic.
He showed up for a commitment at Lunch Bunch hours after being fired and conducted himself with dignity and class.

He called recruits after being fired and urged them to keep their commitment to Tech.

Gailey is a frickin' saint compared to your sorry ass, foghole.

This kind of post is the reason I and many don't have any respect for this board and some who post here. Where have I said anything like this post? I only gave my opinion and things I heard from the GTAA. I answered your questions. Then the uncouth, uneducated people like GTL with his insults and profane language gets his jollies by using this type language. Many time people on BO reported this in threads and noted how the mods here allow language like this against people. GTL is apparently a red neck who can not use the English language makes me feel for the guy. Typical idiot who is more suited to be a dog than a jacket!

BOR: Nor have you or anyone proved Gaileys great character it's just I heard this I heard that. Maybe so but prove it. I am not nor will I try to prove his character flaws. I can't but from my meeting with him as I said he didn't seem to have much personality! Those were observations I saw.
This kind of post is the reason I and many don't have any respect for this board and some who post here. Where have I said anything like this post? I only gave my opinion and things I heard from the GTAA. I answered your questions. Then the uncouth, uneducated people like GTL with his insults and profane language gets his jollies by using this type language. Many time people on BO reported this in threads and noted how the mods here allow language like this against people. GTL is apparently a red neck who can not use the English language makes me feel for the guy. Typical idiot who is more suited to be a dog than a jacket!

very simple

oldfoggy = clueless

and even better....I will not be able to see his posts any longer as you are now on ignore! :laugher:
very simple

oldfoggy = clueless

and even better....I will not be able to see his posts any longer as you are now on ignore! :laugher:


Now I'm done with is thread! People like BOR/GTL etc who love CG will never be happy with his firing and are just that, unhappy. Sorry guys he's gone and debating (not GTL he uses only profane language) his character can never be proven one way or the other.
Of course you don't know anything of Internet stalking, foggy, that's why I gave you a link as evidence. Care to follow it?

Reguarding Gailey, nobody minds that BO didn't like him. We just mind a bunch of grown men acting like Cindy Sheehan on the Internet. Was she "right" about Iraq? Maybe, but her methods were whacko.

I'm sure whenever the US finally does pull out of Iraq, there will be some idiot on an internet message board spouting off about how Sheehan was 'right,' but that doesn't make her any less of an asshole, or the message board guy any less of an asshole for following her.
I only gave my opinion and things I heard from the GTAA.

Maybe we have a problem when you state your opinion and hearsay and try to pass it off as factual evidence.

BOR: Nor have you or anyone proved Gaileys great character it's just I heard this I heard that. Maybe so but prove it. I am not nor will I try to prove his character flaws. I can't but from my meeting with him as I said he didn't seem to have much personality! Those were observations I saw.

Old man, you are reaching again. We actually gave more evidence than you did by stating that he showed up to lunch bunch and called recruits to stress the importance of them committing to the school and not the coach, but you continually ignore that. Yet, you have not shown or supported your arguement that he lacks class. Maybe that's because you can't. The real problem here is that you made the initial statements that he did not have high character, when you were called out on it, you turned around and try to say "prove it to me". Why? Why don't you prove it to us? You were the one who made those comments, not us.

I find your logic and your ability to dodge the subject matter pathetic. Which is probably why GTL made the comments he did.

My suggestion is that you take a break from posting so that you can clear your head and try and be positive about where we are right now. Every post you make just further drives down peoples opinion of you.

Now I'm done with is thread! People like BOR/GTL etc who love CG will never be happy with his firing and are just that, unhappy.

Uhh, so now you have to make up things to try and support your arguement? I have been one of Gailey's biggest critics. I was happier than a school girl on valentines day when Gailey was fired. It was the right decision and I am absolutely pumped that we got the #1 guy on my list to be the next head coach for GT. It may surprise you to learn that as early as two years ago with every check I wrote to the GTAA a letter was attached that was signed by me:

"P.S. If in fact you keep an updated list of coaches to replace our current coach, I hope Paul Johnson is on that list."
This kind of post is the reason I and many don't have any respect for this board and some who post here. Where have I said anything like this post? I only gave my opinion and things I heard from the GTAA. I answered your questions. Then the uncouth, uneducated people like GTL with his insults and profane language gets his jollies by using this type language. Many time people on BO reported this in threads and noted how the mods here allow language like this against people. GTL is apparently a red neck who can not use the English language makes me feel for the guy. Typical idiot who is more suited to be a dog than a jacket!

Your question is in red.
Your answer is in blue.

Profanity? Is foghole profane?

It's kinda funny, you calling me a redneck, being from Alabama and all. I'll put my knowledge and use of the language up against yours anytime anyday.

Uncouth? Perhaps. Uneducated? Nope.

It's very ironic that you call out the mods of Stingtalk for allowing 'insults and profane language' when I was subjected to the most vile, profane and personal attacks on BO I have ever seen and when I complained about it to that piece of garbage administrator buddy of yours, he told me "I deserved it for supporting Gailey". But yet you defend that board and the garbage that is beebad? Yeah, you're a real good gy.

I'm retiring from this thread, not because I can't respond, but because BOR has done a far better job than I exposing you for the fool you are.
BOR loving CG?????


Now I'm done with is thread! People like BOR/GTL etc who love CG will never be happy with his firing and are just that, unhappy. Sorry guys he's gone and debating (not GTL he uses only profane language) his character can never be proven one way or the other.

OF thinks BOR loved CG???? :hugelaugh:

there were VERY FEW supporters of CG after the VT game and BOR was NOT one of them.

The judgment of CG's coaching will be evaluated ONLY after a few years. If PJ is able to take us to the next level then CG will go down as a middle of the road coach. If we stay at .500 in the ACC and don't beat ugag then CG will probably be looked at a little better. IF WE SLIP and go below .500 and have MD type records then CG will be looked on MORE FAVORABLY.

I am personally ok with the way things turned out. 6 years is a long time and CG was given opportunities. I prefer to look at the UVA and MD losses than the Ugag losses. What if PJ does not beat ugag but has us in Jax?

I think it is a dangerous precedent to base your whole season on one game (like Awbarn and Alllaaabammy).

I like to think that CG was fired b/c Drad thought there was room for improvement and felt that PJ can accomplish that improvement.

My biggest reservation was GT NEVER had a solid QB (like Renfro/Nesbitt) at the helm while CG was here. Now you can argue that it is CG's responsibility to get that guy in here. I keep going back to Fridge. If he had the right QB he would probably be winning but now for the past FEW YEARS he has been struggling w/ his qb's and losing.

PJ has an upside and will probably stay at GT if successful. A 6 year stint may be long enough as a HC. When you see the F$U debacle it is clear that NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOVED you can out stay your welcome.
I would like to personally extend my gratitude and thanks to the moderator(s) of StingTalk. I don't know who you are, nor do I care. I have rarely visited The Hive - never posted there. I have never visited BBuzzoff (although I attempted it for the first time today, only to find it password protected). I appreciate that someone offers a forum, open to all, that does not ban posters for their comments, negative or positive, and leaves all comments open for anyone's review at all times (except those nasty maintenance times). I also thank you for an 'Ignore' feature that allows me to make my own determination on whose comments and language I choose not read.

You, sir(s), are amongst the Real Men of Genius. Cue The Bud Song.
What OF fails to understand is that it takes a person of chararcter to see character in other people.

By the way, for those people who still read BO, is he still referring to Gailey in his posts as "dumbo" and "dumbass" over there? If he does, that really shows a lot of class doesn't it?
What OF fails to understand is that it takes a person of chararcter to see character in other people.

By the way, for those people who still read BO, is he still referring to Gailey in his posts as "dumbo" and "dumbass" over there? If he does, that really shows a lot of class doesn't it?

Again, this is what baffles me, of has the right to call others names but if you call him one he gets hurt and upset.

Nice post Beegone!
Twelve pages on the topic of BO.

With all due respect, I again appeal to the Stingtalk membership to consider not acknowledging them.

We have many positive things to discuss and many important issues that merit discussion and debate among the Tech family.

In my humble opinion, BO just isn't one of them.