It’s been said that good teams find ways to win games. This year we clearly have lacked what’s necessary to be considered a “good” team and it’s not something that needs a myriad of excuses (needing better players, more majors, coaching, etc). We are a handful of plays away from being 7-1...and that’s what makes it so incredibly frustrating.
That one trait this team lacks: the killer instinct. Good teams have it. Not so good teams don’t. It’s found in the team’s capacity to capitalize on the opportunity to destroy their opponents’ chances and hopes. It can be either side of the ball. Today’s exhibit A: After a poor first half, we score 2 TDs in 35 seconds to open the 2nd half and go up by 15. We have ALL of the momentum. Foot on their throats. All we needed was to get them off the field and then, offensively, chew clock and pick up some first downs. We did neither.
Our 2014 squad had the killer instinct. Occasionally defensively: created turnovers. Mostly offensively: relentless first down machine.
We have the players to compete now. Do I wish our players were bigger, stronger, faster? Sure. But even teams with those characteristics that lack the killer instinct will still come up short.
One final comment. I think Ta’quan Marshall could be the best QB we’ve ever had without equivocation. But there is one thing holding him back and it’s holding our team back: he’s selfish with the ball.