Re: The 3 games that will determine Gailey\'s future
Know What?
I have seen the extremes here concerning Coach Gailey from the pratical to the rediculous. I have hoped that the GT fan base would rally around Coach Gailey from day one and give him all the support possible, but it is obvious that it ain't gonna happen. HOWEVER, I do have to agree with Ms. T.A., that Chan Gailey will have to earn her respect before it will be given to him. Can't fault her with that at all except I would have hoped to see her give him a chance of earning it over a period of at least three years. Then if the program is not at least directed in the right direction, let's hunt a coach. I personally think it could take a period of 4-5 years for him to get this thing crackin the way he wants it. BUT, I don't think the fan base will be so liberal with their patience.
Another poster stated that he could live with some of the problems but not another rout from UGA, and with quiters to boot. I gotta agree there too. I want to see some definite signs of improvement right away, and these signs are such as:
1: STOPPING THE DUMB PENALTIES: These are the morale killer penalties like jumping off sides and giving the other team a first and ten. Letting the defense pull us into a motion penalty. These are stupid penalties. Blocking in the back, holding, etc.
2: NO MORE QUITTERS: If we have a player with the quit type mentality, I hope he quits and gets out of the way before we have to count on him. Don't even want him on the sidelines.
These will get us happier with the team, but what else is there WE can do?
1: NO MORE BOOING FROM THE GT FANS: Call it whatever you like but to me it is thoroughly disgusting to hear grown people booing guys on the field who are possibly their own children. Unforgiveable.
2: Quit whinning and complaining about the Head Coach and/or his staff. I would like to see us support these people until such time as they deem themselves unworthy of our support. If this were to happen, start a campaign immediately to have them replaced. Just make sure the things that we deem unworthy are not only the win/loss record. The Head Coach's job goes deeper than that, even though that is all some of us are interested in.
Like what I heard Penn State's coach (Joe Paterno) say once. "Football is an extra curricular activity," and we all need to learn that. I must admit hear that we have become too dependent on a winning football program to carry the school's financial burdens. What a shame.
There is not a reader on this site that would rather see GT win every game we play in any sport, so don't get the idea that I'm a passifist (correct spellin optional). Ain't gonna happen. I love winning and I hate losing, but if we must lose, I want to see us get beat by a better team and only after we left all we had on the field, not laying down and quitting. YES, I am going to be looking at our discipline very closely this coming season as I know many will be. BUT, until then, I still say, Chans the Man, and I will support him.