The ACC and Gator Bowl can burn.


May 3, 2004

In the unlikely event that we do not go to the Orange Bowl it appears the Gator Bowl is working to get out of the contract in order to play host to someone other than GT.

If the ACC backs down on this one, abandons its rules (last year's bowl selection was a crock), or treats us poorly then a lot of people are going to be very angry. The ACC working on a resolution? I call Bull. If anyone at the ACC was worth the dirt they are made of they'd say there is nothing to resolve. The only way we shouldn't go to the Gator (in the highly unlikely event we lose) is if the players want to go elsewhere.

At least D-Rad sounds like he is sticking up for us. But you've got to question the competency of the Gator Bowl. We already know about the "integrity" of the North Carolina league (ACC).
Re: The ACC and Gator Bowl can go to hell

"But Gator Bowl officials told the Florida Times-Union they shouldn't be forced to select a championship game loser because of the impact on ticket sales."

Funny, they invited ACCCG loser VPI last year.
if we don't beat Wake...

does it make adifference where we play? Shouldn't a 4 loss(again assuming we don't win) be thankful just to be in a bowl? Will Tech players (most important) and fans want to go back to Jax so soon? don't see how the players would perceive that as a reward.the one benefit is that we might get an opponent with a "brand" name.
This situation with the ACC, the city of Jacksonville and the Gator Bowl needs to be taken care of.

The ACC holds their championship game in Jacksonville. In some cases, such as this year, you have your two division winners along with a second place finisher who all will have good records.

With the Peach (CFA) now getting first dibs after the BCS team slots to the Orange, they will not necessarily always take the loser of the ACC c-ship, as is the case this year with VT probably headed to Atlanta. The Gator simply has to be made to take the ACCCG loser in cases like this year. Either that, or move the ACCCG out of Jacksonville altogether.

In Tech's situation this year, if they happen to lose to WF and end up 9-4, from a record standpoint they would probably deserve to fall to the Champs Sports, only though, if there is a bonified better team to fill the slot in the Gator. Who would it be? Maryland, who GT defeated, no way. I guess BC would move up.
Clemson would move up.

Truthfully, if we lose, I'm all for us going to Charlotte instead; or even out to Boise. I don't want to go to Orlando, Jax, or Nashville. Atlanta won't happen, so really we should just avoid a major bowl that our letdown can't be seen by many.

Our bowl situation every year is simple: Finish the season on a high note and everything works out. Finish the season poorly (as we have in every season under Chan) and the bowl picture gets ugly.
SCREW THEM. They got a contract and they will honor it.

We should move the ACCCG to Atlanta in the dome and this will not be a problem. We can play it Saturday morning and it should not interfere w/ SECCG.

Atlanta said they wanted it.

Contracts are contracts and lately it seems GT lawyers are on the losing end. If they don't like the rules of the ACC then change them but right now it is orange, gator, or peach for a 7-1 ACC team.

I expect our AD to hold the ACC to its contractual obligations.
I expect our AD to hold the ACC to its contractual obligations.

All I ever expect from Swafford is for him to choke and die on the Carolina Blue colored bile that spews from his crushed throat as I destroy his very existence with my bloody, puss covered hands.

Okay. Maybe that was a bit harsh. But the ACC has never and will never support GT in anything, from officiating to bowls to money to law to anything at all whatsoever. The ACC is a dead end for Georgia Tech.

lapsing into old habits recently
I don't see why people do not want us. The last 3 bowls we have had east of the Mississippi are:

1999 Gator Bowl: Sold more tickets than Notre Dame
2000 Gator Bowl: Sold more tickets than Miami
2001 Peach Bowl: Sold more tickets than LSU

I don't think the Gator Bowl would be complaining if they had Notre Dame, Miami, or LSU so why are they pissing on us. Last year the Music City passed over us for Virginia because they were going to sell more tickets. Well guess what, we sold more tickets to the Emerald Whatcha-ma-Bowl on the other side of the planet than UVA sold for the Music City in Nashville.
midatlantech said:
Our bowl situation every year is simple: Finish the season on a high note and everything works out. Finish the season poorly (as we have in every season under Chan) and the bowl picture gets ugly.

I call bull**** on this dumbass quote.
Unless I missed something in the article(which I may very well have), it doesn't say the Gator Bowl specifically doesn't want us if we lose. It might be they fear a Wake loss, forcing them to take a team that won't bring many people or draw a large television audience. After all, if we lose and they were able to get out of taking us, only BC looks to be in position to be invited and they aren't exactly a team with much appeal.

Regardless, I agree they should have to honor the contractual agreement.
If Wake loses, the Gator Bowl does not have to take them because they have 2 regular season conference losses which means they could take a 3 loss conference team like Clemson (who they really want), Maryland, or BC.

So yes, they are specifically snubbing us.
JTS said:
I don't see why people do not want us. The last 3 bowls we have had east of the Mississippi are:

1999 Gator Bowl: Sold more tickets than Notre Dame
2000 Gator Bowl: Sold more tickets than Miami
2001 Peach Bowl: Sold more tickets than LSU

I don't think the Gator Bowl would be complaining if they had Notre Dame, Miami, or LSU so why are they pissing on us. Last year the Music City passed over us for Virginia because they were going to sell more tickets. Well guess what, we sold more tickets to the Emerald Whatcha-ma-Bowl on the other side of the planet than UVA sold for the Music City in Nashville.

You forgot 2004 Champs Sports Bowl against Syracuse (we sold way more tickets). I am convinced we got the shaft last year, to pay back UVa for 2004. They had earned the right to go to the Champs bowl in Orlando, but went to Boise instead. That prevented back-to-back Boise trips for us. In 2005, we should have gone to the Music City bowl, but went out west instead. UVa got to stay east of the Mississippi.
In defense of the Gator Bowl, the cg loser is supposed to go to the Peach, while the winner of course goes on to the OB.
Either the Peach or the league is to blame. If the ACC had more nerve, they would coerce the Peach to take the league runner up at all costs.

I don't blame the Gator Bowl.
With the pecking order as follows:

Peach (CFA)
Champs Sports
Music City
MPC Computers

It would seem logical that the ACCCG loser would slot to the #1 bowl after the BCS, the Peach. But, if GT were to drop the game to WF their record would fall to 9-4 (on a 2 game L streak), with VT sitting there at 10-2 (with a 6 game W streak).

A GT win drops WF to 10-3, with a 27-6 loss to VT on their resume, so I have no issue with the Peach as it seems that VT is slotted right where they should be. Unfortunately, the loss to UGA cost GT the cushion of having the Peach to fall back on if they happen to drop the ACCCG.

However, the Gator should definitely take WF over BC or Maryland (Deacs beat them both) and Clemson is 8-4. GT should also get the nod over anyone else as well. They won the Coastal, BC dropped 2 of their last 4, Clemson 3 of their last 4, and GT defeated Maryland.

So the Gator officials just need to clam up and offer the ACCCG loser the bid, or if the Gator means that much to them, the ACCCG needs to be moved somewhere else.
The real issue here isn't GT. It's the fact that the Gator Bowl is worried about ANY team playing in the ACCCG, losing and then being back in the Gator Bowl. They are concerned that the fans will be disappointed in the outcome and not want to return to Jax for a second straight game. It's a reasonable concern IMO for their bowl committee and needs to be addressed up front by the ACC.

Guys, this is not a GT issue, they don't want Wake again either. They expected the Peach to take the ACCCG loser and then they would have their pick of the next tier. It's about money not respect. It's not clear what they would think if it were Clemson or VT. Would those guys travel again?
ncjacket said:
The real issue here isn't GT. It's the fact that the Gator Bowl is worried about ANY team playing in the ACCCG, losing and then being back in the Gator Bowl. They are concerned that the fans will be disappointed in the outcome and not want to return to Jax for a second straight game. It's a reasonable concern IMO for their bowl committee and needs to be addressed up front by the ACC.

Guys, this is not a GT issue, they don't want Wake again either. They expected the Peach to take the ACCCG loser and then they would have their pick of the next tier. It's about money not respect. It's not clear what they would think if it were Clemson or VT. Would those guys travel again?
Yes this would be logical except;
1) GT is the only team by the rules who cannot be eliminated. When WF loses to us (GT19 - WF 10) the GAtor will be free to look at other teams under the rules. So as others have already stated---this is specifically about us. The rules bar us from falling further than the Gator; they do not bar WF.
2) They took VT last year after they lost in the ACC CG. So apparently it is very clear what the Gator thinks about selecting those teams.

So yes. I do think this qualifies as a snub given the se two facts.

There is one way to resolve this--beat the heck out of WF. I'm looking forward to this Saturday--to see the team win one for themselves and the Institute (and not our lousy fans who seem to believe that the football team is there for their sole pleasure).

Now, with that being said. You are right on that the Gator negotiate for a better situation. However, this is poor timing. It is specifically directed toward one team, a couple months away from the traditional time to negotiate bowl tie ins, and done at such a time that it may cause GT fans to form a even more negative image of a bowl game that has in the past been incompetently managed.
I don't have a problem with the Peach wanting to take VT. They have a better overall record and it can easily be argued that they are the playing better football right now.

This isn't the first year that the Gator Bowl has hinted that they don't want us. It just happens to be the first time they would be forced to take us.

I say that we move the ACCCG game to another city where the local fans will actually buy tickets.

I think it would be neat to have the ACCCG in Atlanta. They could play the ACCCG game at noon before the SECCG. It would be college football nirvana in a town that actually cares about college football.