The man doesn't sleep

If Calvin had been on the team in 2008 and not yet eligible for the draft, I think he would have stuck it out under PJ rather than transfer. However, I doubt he would have ever committed to us as an option school, in spite of his parents' emphasis on education. He probably ends up at Stanford, Vandy, etc.
CPJ would have used Calvin as much or more than Bebe
There wasn't a source on CTEs in football 20 years ago. It'll take time for the relative risk of MMA vs. boxing to come to light. I'd guess that being able to receive kicks to the head offsets not using gloves.
My understanding is that the sheer number of repeated punches jarring your brain against the skull over 10+ rounds is what causes most of the CTE in boxing- it's a slow death. The injuries on MMA are more graphic due to cuts- but most of that is blood from cuts or bloody noses. You're more likely to get INJURED in MMA, but more likely to lose consciousness in boxing. MMA practitioners usually don't punch as hard or punch correctly and have other grappling techniques at their disposal.
It got superseded by an even more brutal way to cause brain damage - MMA.

But guys are still getting millions for major PPV boxing matches.

So you're saying football will be replaced by Rollerball.

MMA (and boxing before it) is not a widely practiced sport among those under 18. I'm talking major sports that millions of kids play.

Football's concussion rate is double any of the other major sports (soccer, lacrosse, etc). More than that, though, is the public image of football as being the main sport which causes these sort of TBIs. It's a serious problem for the future of the game.
I would imagine balls bouncing off your head constantly at high speed could give one a concussion.
MMA is also over as soon as a guy is knocked out.. boxing a guy may get knocked out 6 times or more in a match ... not good for the brain
Especially against Wake Forest in a championship game?

Don't remind me. Just ... don't.
As bad a weekend as I've ever spent. Went down there for a birthday celebration, tied in with what we thought was going to be a cake walk of an ACCCG game ... and we got thought sinker in the toilet bowl. Not even a floater. A straight to the bottom, gonna leave a big ol stain on the porcelain, sinker.
Don't remind me. Just ... don't.
As bad a weekend as I've ever spent. Went down there for a birthday celebration, tied in with what we thought was going to be a cake walk of an ACCCG game ... and we got thought sinker in the toilet bowl. Not even a floater. A straight to the bottom, gonna leave a big ol stain on the porcelain, sinker.

That game summed up chan for me