"they're a bunch of MORONS"....

You saw what Jim Rome did to Richt for daring to question their decision to leave Moreno's BFD hurdle off the top ten.

What do you think they are thinking about a coach calling the game announcers morons?

We have enough problems with media without our head coach calling our announcers morons.

I, for one, am extremely NOT happy about this.
You saw what Jim Rome did to Richt for daring to question their decision to leave Moreno's BFD hurdle off the top ten.

What do you think they are thinking about a coach calling the game announcers morons?

We have enough problems with media without our head coach calling our announcers morons.

I, for one, am extremely NOT happy about this.

Announcers aren't media. They're announcers...nobody really cares about what they say anyway. Big deal.
lets ask Roddy Smith what he thinks about it...
You saw what Jim Rome did to Richt for daring to question their decision to leave Moreno's BFD hurdle off the top ten.

What do you think they are thinking about a coach calling the game announcers morons?

We have enough problems with media without our head coach calling our announcers morons.

I, for one, am extremely NOT happy about this.

If they aren't held liable for the stuff they say then PJ shouldn't be either. They can questions the coaches as much as they want so the coaches should be able to question them. Plus they are morons, every single one of them...
You saw what Jim Rome did to Richt for daring to question their decision to leave Moreno's BFD hurdle off the top ten.

What do you think they are thinking about a coach calling the game announcers morons?

We have enough problems with media without our head coach calling our announcers morons.

I, for one, am extremely NOT happy about this.
This is different then Richt though. Richt was whining. Paul Johnson is saying that the two announcers that ABC graced us were dumb and their commentary was worthless at best. Anyone who listened to them would have agreed. Besides, the media loves a loud, brutally-honest asshole. If he gets any coverage on ESPN of this quote, I'd bet the only people that are chastising him for it are Bill Platsche and Skip Bayless.
The difference here is PJ is right and Richt is wrong.
You saw what Jim Rome did to Richt for daring to question their decision to leave Moreno's BFD hurdle off the top ten.

What do you think they are thinking about a coach calling the game announcers morons?

We have enough problems with media without our head coach calling our announcers morons.

I, for one, am extremely NOT happy about this.
Doesn't bother me a bit. Plus Rome is an idiot to start with. What it may mean is that future announcers will take the time to actually understand what we're doing and how it all works. I was mad most of the game at the stupidity coming from the color guy who clearly isn't a fan of an option attack and who doesn't understand it to start with.
The difference here is PJ is right and Richt is wrong.

+1. Anybody that watched that game knows that we got a couple of hacks assigned to our game. David Norrie is one of the least useful color analysts out there, and Dave LaMont used to do 2nd-rate NHL games on ESPN. He did a couple of our games (Clempsun and some other game) with James Hasty and was just as bad then. ABC/ESPN needs to leave the play-by-play to people who actually know a little about the game.
Questioning a coach who goes for it on 4th down is as old as football itself - especially 4th and 7 from your own 34.

This isn't about the decision to go for it. Its about the tradition of 2nd guessing coaches. You 2nd guess managers who wait too long to go to the bullpen then you 2nd guess when they go to the pen too soon. That's the color guy's job - to do more than describe the action but to discuss strategy, etc.

Coaches/Managers, etc. live with being 2nd guessed. That's half the fun for fans and media.

PJ's comment, right or wrong, was ill advised. He's a sharp guy who could have come up with something much better than a personal insult.

An NFL announcer faced the same issue during the Skins game on Sunday (Skins went for it in their own territory). His take: "Its a good decision if it works and a bad decision if it doesn't." A much better comment than questioning the coach but when we're on a 2nd rate channel we get 2nd rate announcers.

I'll stand corrected on the distinction to the Richt comment - not a good comparison. But media folk are a pretty insecure bunch. And they vote on a lot of stuff. And they have long memories and hold grudges. And they stick together. And we have had our share of problems with media people lately.

Not the end of the world, just my two cents.
lets ask Roddy Smith what he thinks about it...

There's a difference between giving out incorrect factual information and giving opinions on how a coach handles a game situation.

The Roddy "Smith" guys (and producer for continuing to allow it to happen) should be reprimanded but how can you reprimand the ABC announcers for questioning his strategy. It's what they're paid to do (the color analyst, anyway).
The Roddy "Smith" guys (and producer for continuing to allow it to happen) should be reprimanded but how can you reprimand the ABC announcers for questioning his strategy. It's what they're paid to do (the color analyst, anyway).

well, for one, they were factually wrong here as well. they said that if we didnt make the 4th down and without that time out, we would not get the ball back. but actually, we did.

so again, they can talk strategy if they know what they are saying, but they should be taken to task when they are talking out of their a$$!
Announcers second guess... It happens. But I also like the fact that PJ pointed out what we all think about announcers most of the time: they are usually morons. Just because they ALL second guess doesn't make these guys any less morons. PJ just decided to be honest instead of using coachspeak. Why even ask him about the announcers second guessing him? Maybe we should be harping on the AUC for even asking the question.

I thought it was great, personally... and I don't think this one statement hurts as much as people would like to make it seem.
The good news out of all of this is that I now feel qualified to call games for ABC.
I love EDSBS


He looks like your high school coach. He sounds like your high school coach. He may actually be your high school coach working under an assumed name after entering the witness protection program, for all we know.
I already didn't like one of the announcers before the game even started. He was talking pre-game about how he just doesn't think that PJ will be able to bring in the caliber of athlete needed to be successful in the ACC while using this offense. :behead: