Things people may not know about ND


Dr. Dunkingstein
Feb 24, 2004
Ranked 2nd best university in Indiana, if B1G are excluded
A University of Chicago study proved that an inflated sense of self worth is actually fattening by studying the ND student population
Luck of the Irish scientifically proven to be 87% bad luck
They've had a national championship more recently than UGA.
There is a residual decided schematic advantage stemming from the fact that they are STILL paying fat Charlie $2 million a year not to coach them.
Student population not composed entirely of lazy northeastern kids who didn't have the grades to get into an east coast school. The is a sizable percentage of lazy midwestern kids as well
Your mom will get a house
Notable lisp outbreak in the 90's contained through forced sterilization
Rudy was not only offsides, but the 'sack' was more of the two hand touch variety
They do more extensive resume checks than GT for athletic department hires.
Due to contract requirements, all ND coaches have a "Michigan's Bitch" tattoo on their lower back