Things people may not know about ND

It's Notre Dame's fault we were co-champions in 1990. A punt return touchdown by Rocket Ismail in the waning moments of the Orange Bowl was called back due to clipping, and Colorado won over Notre Dame 10-9.

I think that these guys deserve most of the blame though..

Similar to the 19th century novel, South Bend has its own hunchbacks. Unfortunately they compose a majority of the most attractive women.
They cost us a unanimous National Title in 1990 and gave one to UGa in 1980.

I've rooted for Notre Dame twice in my life. Both times they lost.

This is exactly what I was gonna post.

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My brother used to work in conjunction with some Notre Dame grads. They were a little on the entitled/elitist side. Maybe my brother's master's from Georgia Southern set them off. Who knows?

As he was fond of saying, "You can tell a Notre Dame man. You just can't tell him much."

I know a guy pretty well who played football at Notre Dame. He's a pretty good dude and fairly intelligent. He's the reason for me getting one of the drunkest I have ever been. I downed about six Scotches on an empty stomach. Barely made it back to the hotel room to pass out. Did not really make it all the way to the bathroom either. Yeah, it was that bad.
Their fans like to pretend to be opposing fans on the opposing fans' message board.
The Catholic cannon was used by Torquemada during the Inquisition.
Just like the dwags, most of their fans don't have any actual connection to the school.

Notre Dame Stadium is built on a foundation of child leprechaun bones stolen from the Lucky Charms factory.
Every team always plays its best game against Notre Dame. Every season.
You are at a party and there are over a 100 guests there. How do you spot the ND grad?

He's the one going around telling everyone.

Their fight song is actually identical to Michigan's, only played backward. True story.
The team volunteers their time visiting orphanages on Sundays. When the gleeful little children jump into their arms to hug them on arrival they softly wisper "This is your home because you didn't deserve love" in their ears.