Things you won't be hearing at the StingTalk tailgate this week

Can't we go one tailgate without someone getting balls in the face?
Hey! Did y'all hear about the new Blindside2 movie coming out starring Coit?
I am so glad I finally met you guys in person. Y'all are so awesome.
We're passing around a sign-up sheet. With all the recent injuries, CPJ is offering walk-on tryouts to the StingTalkers!
Nah I don't have to pick up my son. He's old enough to take care of himself, I'll stay here and have 5 beers instead.
Yeah, {that person that was banned this week} was banned for legitimate reasons.
We're passing around a sign-up sheet. With all the recent injuries, CPJ is offering walk-on tryouts to the StingTalkers!

Too bad im not a student. I might be a good A back. I am deceptively slow.
