<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">you see we have only 20 hours and that includes walk thrus. we can practice only 20 hours and no more between 2 games.Originally posted by LLCoolJacket:
You see, we need contact drills...desperately. Thats the only way we will be able to compete and hang on to the ball on Saturdays. Contact drills must be done early in the week.
Late week is reserved for walk thrus.
Point is that Chan's intensity is deservedly questioned. Giving days off is a reward. Reward for what?
Just read a great book; "Steel my Soldier's Hearts" by David Hackworth. Its his account of him taking over a lazy batallion in 'Nam, and turning it into a feared fighting machine.
The soldiers hated him when he got there, and loved him later for busting their butts into shape, and saving their lives.
This is not life and death at Tech. The point is that discipline builds character and confidence.
I just wonder how many Jackets thought they were going to win when Byu scored its second 3rd quarter touchdown, and took the lead for good?
we can use contact drills, no question. but we have only 20 hours to do all practices. if we practice early, we'll have time off later in the week. you'll see it as a reward later in the week and bitch and moan about it then.
what's the big deal if we don't work on the weekend and start off monday? had our game been played on saturday instead of thursday, we would have done the same thing.