Keith Olberman might no longer work for ESPN, but he still made me want to punch my TV in every time I saw his "I'm the king of everything" smile on NBC's "we're the kings of everything" NFL pregame show.
I can't believe I forgot about Terrence Moore. I honestly think he is the only columnist out there who I have never agreed with on anything, ever. He is probably going to be #1 on my list.
Stuart Scott and Chris Berman, while incredibly annoying(Chris Berman is currently managing to ruin every good highlight ever, it makes me want to cry), actually seem to be pretty knowledgeable when they analyze things.
Stephen A. used to be near the top of my list, but he has since toned his act a lot. He is also the perfect complement for Bill Walton, who I absolutely love even though he does say dumb things at time. Unfortunately, him being paired with Stephen A. means his announcing duties have gone way down.