UGAg's season is getting ready to head south


Aug 31, 2005
UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

My prediction: UGAg is getting ready to lose several games.

By the end of the season the bullpup fans are going to absolutley hate their QB. He looked like a lost child in the second half of the Tech game last year. He snuck by awful Gamecock and Miss State teams and will get drilled by a good team. Note: Tennessee doesn't drill anyone, but they will beat UGAg. The Gators and Jackets will also beat the overrated dawgs this year. Remember this post. MARK MY WORDS!
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

It seems to me in years past that if uga gets past usc-e, the Tenn. game is usually the eye opener, and heartbreaker for the disillusioned doggie fans. Its one of the greatest traditions in college football!

That's what they get for playing nobody until week 5.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

i hope you are correct, i would hate for them to some way back into the national championship,the televisions stations would be constant dogs,dogs,dogs,dogs
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

It will be insteresting to watch the mutts finally play somebody. I sure hope UT gets them early, I just don't trust that Tennessee Offense, sure they came back against LSU but in the process missed many opportunities to roll over them (too many dropped passes and overthrows).
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

Eventually, poor qb play will be exposed. I really think they will have at least 2 losses before Thanksgiving.

But, always, I care more about our guys.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

I hope you're right, but I am not holding my breath. As much as it pains me, I expect them to lose no more than two games, probably only one, with a shot at going undefeated. The reason is not their QB, but their coach. I hope I'm wrong.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

you are so correct, he is probably one of the top 5 in the country, we can only hope some pro team comes calling.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

GO TENNESSEE!!! <font color="orange">ROCKY TOP TENNESSEE!!! </font>

Bee tuned into CBS this Saturday @ 3:30 pm to watch the annihilation of the dumb dawgs. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrinbounce.gif

Then listen to WSB radio 750 AM @ ~7:00 pm to hear the leg humpers whine, bitch, moan and cry. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggerGrin.gif

<font color="orange">GO TENNESSEE!!! </font> ROCKY TOP TENNESSEE!!!
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

My father-in-law and I watched the GT-UGAg football game together last year on TV. He is a huge UGAg fan (and one of their rare fans who actually is a graduate) and I am a Tech grad. My father-in-law was absolutely about to drop a load in his britches over the GT defensive domination of Shockley in the second half. He was cussing and sweating and praying.

Shockley has done nothing to show me he is any better this year. He was lucky they didn't lose to the horrible gamecocks and the miss state buldogs. The bullgags have played a division III level schedule, up to now, and are going to get embarrassed real soon...
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

i hope they get wasted--but ugags defense seems to rise against the vols--- /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south


That's what they get for playing nobody until week 5.

[/ QUOTE ]
Their September schedule, year after year, is heavy w/ creampuffs. Rarely do they ever schedule a top name opponent OOC to start off the season. That is why they are usually 3-1 or 4-0 going into October. What has Tech's September schedule over the years contained? BYU in Provo, Syracuse @the Meadowlands, Penn State @the Meadowlands, Arizona @ their house, Notre Dame in South Bend, etc. And FSU has recently been a part of our September schedule as well. I would love to see the mutts play an OOC away game in September. Hell, I would love to see them play OSU at the Horseshoe or Michigan at the Big House in Novemeber, everybody knows that they have an unfair advantage in early September at sanford and son with the waether usually on theier side. That being said /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/1orglaugh.gifGO VOLS!!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/FIREdevil.gifTO HELL WITH GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, lets kick some Wolfpack arse this Thursday. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

I think they should start calling this game the "White Trash Bowl"....and the teams can play for the double wide trailer trophy.

Criminals in Orange 17. Criminals in Red 13.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

I think Auburn, UF, UT, and maybe we beat UGA...7-4 will knock them off their high horse for sure
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

so much for it heading south...they abused Tennessee. gawd I hate those mutts! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

One advantage we have over UT is Reggie is not a statue standing in the backfield like Clausen is. Our O line has got to come around or it will be a long day.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

JJ, I love your optimism! Go Jackets!

Come the week of the game, I will be convinced we will win. Happens every year.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

Also, if numbers mean anything it looks like we won't have it as easy as a lot thought with Miami. Maybe Duke was looking past UM because of playing us next weekend, but they were upset by the Hurricanes 52-7.
Thank gawd we only give up 51 on occasion.
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

Good call GTYJ!

I just got back from Neyland Stadium. The mutts looked good.

A few observations:
CJ and Bilbo can wear out their corners. If UT had caught a few balls and not made so many mistakes it would have been a different game.

Blue is the real deal. He covers. He plays LB. He blitzes. He made some grade A helmet spinning hits.

UGA's Dline had UT's line going backward all day. UT had 4 motion penalties because Blue was showing blitz. UT didn't get a yard between the tackles. I am not looking forward to our Oline against that.

Pope is going to be playing on Sunday at TE. It is not fair to give a 6'7"/250 guy that kind of speed. I don't want to see our LBs chasing him across the middle all day. He sent Jason Allen to the hospital with a possible fractured or dislocated hip when Allen tried to tackle him.

UGAs special teams played well. UT only started one drive outside the 20. They downed punts inside the 2 twice and returned a punt for TD.

Nuff said. I am not going to think about them until Thanksgiving. THWG

GTYJ, send me you picks for next week. I was thinking about puttin' the kid's 529s on a couple of games. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif
Re: UGAg\'s season is getting ready to head south

My prediction: UGAg is getting ready to lose several games.

By the end of the season the bullpup fans are going to absolutley hate their QB. He looked like a lost child in the second half of the Tech game last year. He snuck by awful Gamecock and Miss State teams and will get drilled by a good team. Note: Tennessee doesn't drill anyone, but they will beat UGAg. The Gators and Jackets will also beat the overrated dawgs this year. Remember this post. MARK MY WORDS!

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, words marked and prediction number one was woefully inaccurate. So much for wishing.

Out of respect for you GT fans, I will not post any more pro-UGA posts on this particular thread. This is my one smart as# post to this thread (maybe I should make these last 2 sentences my signature).

Good luck with Duke, Miami and the rest of ACC games.