New blueprint: Cheat, and cheat BIG TIME-- but offer benefits to regular students too, and you will escape without even 1 infraction. Not one. You'll get off scot-free. You'll be fine.

That's what I just said, too, in the thread in the basketball forum.

NCAA: We can't pay you cause you're students.
NCAA: You don't have to go to class or complete course work because you're an athlete.

Just wut!?!?!?!
so, if agents had put the clothes on a table outside of the GTAA building and anyone could've walked by even though it was surrounded by athletes they wanted to sign later, that's legit because theoretically anyone could've grabbed some shoes and shirts. Ok then...
New blueprint: Cheat, and cheat BIG TIME-- but offer benefits to regular students too, and you will escape without even 1 infraction. Not one. You'll get off scot-free. You'll be fine.

This. The NCAA's reasoning is so hilariously awful. UNC is in the clear because they were equal-opportunity cheaters!
so, if agents had put the clothes on a table outside of the GTAA building and anyone could've walked by even though it was surrounded by athletes they wanted to sign later, that's legit because theoretically anyone could've grabbed some shoes and shirts. Ok then...

Yes, this will be the new thing. "We have concluded that numerous recruits were paid to commit, but other students were also paid, so no harm done."

So, basically, just say it wasn't academic fraud, and you're off the hook. Open and shut case.

So, basically, just say it wasn't academic fraud, and you're off the hook. Open and shut case.

Oh. Well, in that case, let's just have Peterson issue a statement that Thomas never received improoer benfits. 2009 ACC title restored!
But seriously, exactly what the öööö is the NCAA good for? I'm not seeing any incremental benefits for its members.
If the NCAA isn't going to enforce the rules, what's the point of even having rules?

They're literally saying "your athletes have to maintain good grades, but if you get them to have good grades by making up fake classes, oh well!"
But seriously, exactly what the öööö is the NCAA good for? I'm not seeing any incremental benefits for its members.

“Core Purpose: Our purpose is to govern competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount.”