Until today, I was against paying athletes on the principle that college athletics remain amateur. But this is a joke and we should just pay these kids and remove the ööööwits in charge of the NCAA.

I feel sorry for the kids who are lured to programs like UNC with dreams of professional sports careers and who put their bodies on the line in exchange for an education that is worthless.
Until today, I was against paying athletes on the principle that college athletics remain amateur. But this is a joke and we should just pay these kids and remove the ööööwits in charge of the NCAA.
Yep. Let Alabama and the other top tier schools pay whatever the market bears. That kicker they stole from us would at least do it because he is doubling his pay. I can live with that reasoning more so than claiming it was for an education.

College football would be reduced to about 10-15 teams competing to pay the best players to come represent their school. The Gaggers would proudly flaunt how much they paid the "next" Hershel Walker every signing period.

Of course, we'd still get punished for something. Perhaps our AD would call the head coach to discuss lunch plans which the NCAA would feel is a plan to skirt their authority.
I feel sorry for the kids who are lured to programs like UNC with dreams of professional sports careers and who put their bodies on the line in exchange for an education that is worthless.

Don't feel sorry for them. They still get a few years of adulation and living the high life for running, jumping, throwing, catching, and chasing a ball. The alternative is they go straight to ghetto life. Still a decent deal when you look at the reality of it.
So how does all this jibe with the way the NCAA responded to the Jim Harrick situation at UGA? It pains me to say this; but UGA and Jim Harrick Jr. in particular got really screwed.


{Go ahead and chastise me for linking to Red&Black t00}

There's one closer to home we should be comparing.

How does this compare to Tech's deal after O'Leary?

If memory serves, that broke down to an administrative assistant incompetently doing her job, which ended up easing some athletes' academic standing. Tech gets whacked, while being told you should have known or had control. UNC did that shit on purpose. Nothing.
There's one closer to home we should be comparing.

How does this compare to Tech's deal after O'Leary?

If memory serves, that broke down to an administrative assistant incompetently doing her job, which ended up easing some athletes' academic standing. Tech gets whacked, while being told you should have known or had control. UNC did that öööö on purpose. Nothing.

The problem is we did it by mistake. If we had done it on purpose....
If I am the president of a frat, I approach the head coach and offer my services of throwing a party with strippers for anyone who wants to attend. Bill to be paid by the athletic association. Steer athletes to the party. Have no more than 47% of the attendees be athletes. Profit.
This. The NCAA's reasoning is so hilariously awful. UNC is in the clear because they were equal-opportunity cheaters!
New recruiting method: Identify athlete of interest, approach and make this offer. I give you $50,000 (insert market rate) and 3 academically qualified friends $50,000 each to sign. Only 25% of paid students would be athletes, therefore not an advantage.
Strong letter to follow.
New recruiting method: Identify athlete of interest, approach and make this offer. I give you $50,000 (insert market rate) and 3 academically qualified friends $50,000 each to sign. Only 25% of paid students would be athletes, therefore not an advantage.

I like it, but it might be better to identify the friend of an athlete of interest, and offer to pay him and three friends, one of whom happens to be the athlete.
I am still befuddled that they can investigate this FOR YEARS and decide they have "no finding" at the end of the investigation. Was the NCAA investigation team just wanting to live in Chapel Hill for a bit or something?
I like it, but it might be better to identify the friend of an athlete of interest, and offer to pay him and three friends, one of whom happens to be the athlete.
Brilliant, another degree of separation.
"Players should be paid" does not follow from "UNC got away with fake classes".

I'm sick of the braindead "college football makes money therefore the players should be paid" logic (or lack thereof). It's almost as dumb as "we should just make all PEDs permissible". Y'all need to understand the concept of amateur athletics. If you want minor league football, go watch that.

The proper solution is to change NCAA rules to make it easier to punish schools for misbehavior like UNC's.
"[Two] fraternity members explained that they saw these classes as somewhat of a 'loophole' in Chapel Hill's otherwise demanding curriculum, and they never conceived of these classes as being in any way tailored to athletes. In fact, they recalled that a number of their non-athlete fraternity members took so many AFAM classes that they inadvertently ended up with AFAM minors by the time they graduated."


So which is the more useless and should be abolished agency the NCAA or SACSCOC?

Institution-wide accreditation is governed by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education that oversees colleges and universities in an 11-state area including North Carolina.