Uniform Thread, Offseason Style

These are last year's unis. Either we aren't getting any new or they haven't arrived yet. Nearly every other Adidas school has revealed a new uniform on Adidas' new template. Not all have a new design, and I doubt GT will either, but I at least expected to get new ones on the new template/material. There's still time before season starts but I'm not holding my breath.

Only complaint with these is stopping the leg stripes a few inches short of the bottom. Why?

Could be waiting to roll them out at the 8/5 Fan Day rather than an online leak. If nothing else, the adidas logo will change this year - they are removing their wordmark from the logo.
Not sure why the gold pants from late 90s to 2000s are so hard to reproduce.
The material from the 90s and early 2000s did have an awesome shine to them. The downside to that material was that when it got wet it added a pound or a pound an half to the overall weight of the uniform. This hurts performance. Uga has wanted to go back to their precious shiny silver britches but if you look at them now they are just gray for this reason. Unfortunately they have not found/developed an new material that is shiny and has good performance. Maybe Tech an it's high tech industrial textile program can come up with one.
If nothing else, the adidas logo will change this year - they are removing their wordmark from the logo.
This is the only thing that makes me somewhat hopeful for new jerseys, regardless of new design or not. I feel like they would've already fixed the logo on our old jerseys if we were planning to wear them again. So maybe we do have new ones coming.
I suspect that we will have these uniforms for one more year. Typically teams wear one set of uniforms for two years before replacing them.
While these uniforms are fine and a step in the right direction they are far from perfect.
- Remove the metallic striping and numbering. It doesn't match well with the rest of the gold on the uniform.
- Make the gold consistent across the entire uniform.
- Make the pants strip a three color stripe instead of five stripe. BWB on gold pants and BGB on white pants. Tech only started using the 5 stripe pattern (BWGWB) in the early 90s. The three stripe pattern is more historic and is a cleaner look.
- The gold jersey has the shoulder striping in the wrong order. Blue should be on bottom then white on top.
-Same with the blue jersey shoulder stripes. Gold should be on bottom and white on top. (I propose that they only wear GBW once a year against the FCS opponent in honor of 1990.)

I've posted on this before in depth but I think Tech should just simplify when they were what uniform.
WGW or GGW for homecoming
GBW for FCS opponent
GWG for all other games (home and away)

If they want a WWW for a whiteout or a GWW for an away game I'm ok with it. But the primary home and away uniform should always be GWG.

This new administration is proofing to be little more competent and hopefully they will fix these small things and simply it to return the uniforms to the way that they had been for decades.
When y'all say "last year's unis" you are referring to the style, right? They are not literally the ones they wore last year, are they?

I have an image of the equipment guys changing names and whatnot.
The material from the 90s and early 2000s did have an awesome shine to them. The downside to that material was that when it got wet it added a pound or a pound an half to the overall weight of the uniform. This hurts performance. Uga has wanted to go back to their precious shiny silver britches but if you look at them now they are just gray for this reason. Unfortunately they have not found/developed an new material that is shiny and has good performance. Maybe Tech an it's high tech industrial textile program can come up with one.

Who gives a shit about UGAg’s uniforms.