Virginia game…

Def centergy for parking. I might have a ticket but you will not have trouble finding a ticket for free walking around with a finger in the air.
Def centergy for parking. I might have a ticket but you will not have trouble finding a ticket for free walking around with a finger in the air.
Yea, wear Tech gear and let us know and we can get you in.

True story, about 10 years ago, I showed up with the incorrect tickets for a home game. I went to the gate and they let the 4 of us in anyway.
This was my experience at Ole Miss. Got a GT parking pass and showed up to an ungated and unattended lot full of a bunch of other tech fans aimlessly driving around with a WTF face looking for a place to park in our designated lot
anyone got a parking pass for sale
I realize it’s a bit early, but wife and I are heading up to our place in Young Harris this week, and I will be coming to the Virginia game next Thursday. If you have a ticket you would like to sell please let me know. Second, I usually MARTA into game but will be driving this time and would appreciate recommendations on parking. Lastly, would enjoy meeting some of you and am wondering where you tailgate.

Thank you in advance.
We tailgate on the northside of the 5th street bridge. Feel free to stop by. We don’t bite. Someone might threaten to stab you though depending on whom you pissed off on stingtalk.
Driving down from NC for the Virginia game and looking forward to the time in Atlanta. Daughter & son-in-law (both Tech grads) and my girlfriend will be joining along. Haven't been to a night game in a few years, so this should be fun.
Can anyone find odds?

They don't have a look ahead line. You'll have to wait until Sunday. Or you can look at the Sagarin ratings and add 3 1/2 to GT's predictor to get a decent estimate of the line.

Fwiw, ESPN's matchup predictor gives GT a 59.4% chance to win.
Damn, can’t any of you knuckleheads go to the top row of Upper East and drop a parachute with a student ID down to a waiting MoF so he can get in?

My student ID had me with a full head of hair. And I looked like I was 12.
That ain't the case now.
Plus, it would have been from 1984.
My student ID had me with a full head of hair. And I looked like I was 12.
That ain't the case now.
Plus, it would have been from 1984.
That’s when I was there. Probably ran past each other in UE b/w 81-86. Good times.
Damn, can’t any of you knuckleheads go to the top row of Upper East and drop a parachute with a student ID down to a waiting MoF so he can get in?

Yeah that’s a great plan.

MARTA has between 0 and 5 homicides a year, most likely between associates.

Half way through 2021 there were 15 homicides via gunfire on metro Atlanta interstates. There is additional risk of serious injury or death via vehicular accident.
I’ve been “Mad Maxxing” the Atlanta interstates for the better part of 40 years. I’d rather take my chances there than in a packed sardine can with a bunch of fucks I know nothing about nor give 2 shots about myself.