WARNING! Practice will be closed if

Just make sure you guys don't wear your Stingtalk T-shirts to practice.

I wish someone from GTAA would post a guideline we could follow here and on the Hive.

It's hard to imagine that we will sneak up on any of our opponents after the first game or two, in terms of talent.

Closing practice to everyone on the days when the game plan is being put together makes a lot of sense.
Jeez...come on guys...

Gailey's and the rest of the coaching staff's
jobs are on the line. The whole world is against
Tech, including alot of our own fans.

I don't blame him a bit for being a complete
hardass on this topic.

Having said that, I think they should make guidelines
available that outline what they do NOT want to
see online.
Hold on now KK,

If you look at the fonts that respond directly to your initial post (not the tangents), the attitudes don't seem out of line.

You started the thread with information from a 'source' and those of us who enjoy the practice reports are asking if you got any further clarification. If you're going to the practices, great!, we need more eyes down there letting us know what's going on. If you talk to your source, find out what is permissible so we can stay within guidelines.

For those of us outside the state, these reports from other Stingtalk fonts make August much more bearable.
Originally posted by Big Buck:
If Chan would take a cue from George O'Leary and have lunch with Chan once a week it would simplify
for us all just what he wants and doesn't want.
O'leary was abrasive and sometimes abrupt but he did put a premium on communicating with his fans
and was eager to inform us with as much information as he could. But it seems that Chan has said not to post too much without giving any parameters on what was permissible and what was not. Some things are obvious to us but there are many gray areas that needs to be clarified. I get the impression that Chan doesn't have the same appreciation for PR as did George and this could ultimately come back to bite him.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Great, great, great post Big Buck !!
1st off this may just be a rumor! It's kinda like my 3rd cousin told me that a friends 5th cousin heard as he stood on the corner of Techwood that he heard a panhandler saying they were going to close the practice to everyone. So until we hear it from Brainless or CCG treat it as a rumor no more no less.
It is in the possibility of reasoning that someone has overstated Gailey's remarks or the intentions of his remarks. He may be speaking of one incident of which we are not aware, maybe he has talked to that person, and maybe others not associated with that incident has blown up the quote by Gailey.

Maybe, the entire report is false. However, on the other hand, it would be completely foolish to ban fans from practice, and it would be completely foolish to ban those attending practice from posting information about practice.

It is reasonable to expect the fans to refrain from posting anything pertaining to formations, plays, or possibly injuries, but most everything else could not give the enemy any valid information.

If, it is a fact, he wants nothing posted on the internet about practice, that is unreasonable and he would deserve the flak he would get from that action.

Until then, I think the fans attending practice should post information for fans on the boards. It builds up interest in the team and the program. If he closes the practices, he will be responsible for that action and have no one to blame but himself.

Until the practices are closed, I think we should continue to post information from the practices that is not detrimental to the team.

If he is really concerned about the content of information on he board, one of his staff members could post guidelines on the boards for those fans attending practices and bringing information back to the boards.

Once the information is posted, we could question the staff member, via the board, about certain points and receive clarification regarding those points.

Since the iternet has become imbedded with society, it is reasonable for all coaches to have one of their staff to give a daily report about the team and practices for those on the boards interested in the team.

Do we have journalism majors at Tech? If so, surely, someone would be willing to act as the official script writer for the teams and post daily articles regarding the teams.

I will only take it seriously when Gailey himself either makes the statement official in a decree or has the statements posted on the boards by one of his staff members.

Father Time
If watching your opponent's practice garners information that is highly usable, I'm sure BYU already has someone watching... Atlanta being a city of 4.5+ million I think it is safe to say that someone close to the BYU program probably has a few relatives and friends that live in the Atlanta area... Or, if the info garnered from practice is worth anything they'd have someone fly in for a couple of weeks and watch...

So much paranoia about the internet... Last year it hurt recruiting & now it is going to cost us the BYU game... Wonder if Al Gore knew what he was doing when he created the internet?..
Do you people realize that practices in Athens are closed to
fans? The media is allowed in
for 15 or 20 minutes a day for
interviews, etc. This is common
practice at most schools. I can
promise you people that Coach Gailey is not paranoid about anything, however, most of you are.

They realize that. Its the same ole drum beat from the same ole people that are on an AGENDA against Coach Gailey..

Never mind that he had the BEST credentials of of ANY 1st year coach we ever hired, Never mind that he was the HEAD COACH of the no. 1 franchise in the NFL ( As jerry Glanville used to say NFL stands for NOT FOR LOSERS. Point being you cant just be a Head Coach in the NFL and be a Loser )

These same people will still, no matter what he does have their agenda.
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:

They realize that. Its the same ole drum beat from the same ole people that are on an AGENDA against Coach Gailey..

Never mind that he had the BEST credentials of of ANY 1st year coach we ever hired, Never mind that he was the HEAD COACH of the no. 1 franchise in the NFL ( As jerry Glanville used to say NFL stands for NOT FOR LOSERS. Point being you cant just be a Head Coach in the NFL and be a Loser )

These same people will still, no matter what he does have their agenda.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I believe Jerry Glanville's comment on the NFL is that it stood for "NOT FOR LONG"...
If Gailey wants to close practice, then it is certainly his right to close practice, but I hope to God its NOT because of what people are posting on the internet, Jeeez that would be so naive, immature and paranoid as to make me question the man's ability to function as a D1 college head coach. If you want to close practice then do so, but don't say its because you're scared of internet gossip!!! "I don't believe I'd have told anybody that, boy".

Look at the posts on here? Who here knows enough about football to say anything that would be useful? This board and the Hive are basically dominated about bitchin about the coach, bitchin about the AD, bitchin about the parking/ticket plans and bitchin about the uniform colors. There are a half dozen people who know enough about the game to say anything remotely approaching being useful information to an opponent....

IMHO, that is...

Originally posted by Big Buck:
If Chan would take a cue from George O'Leary and have lunch with Chan once a week it would simplify
for us all just what he wants and doesn't want.
O'leary was abrasive and sometimes abrupt but he did put a premium on communicating with his fans
and was eager to inform us with as much information as he could. But it seems that Chan has said not to post too much without giving any parameters on what was permissible and what was not. Some things are obvious to us but there are many gray areas that needs to be clarified. I get the impression that Chan doesn't have the same appreciation for PR as did George and this could ultimately come back to bite him.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">BB: Another 'nail on the head' post!
BeeBad Your WRONG AGAIN....

Look at some of the past NFL Yearbook features that run on Espn and yoy will see Glanville shouting at a referree saying you Know what NFL stands for "Not for Losers"
The only agenda here is concern for the program!! Get a life! My not liking Chan as our coach has nothing to do with any agenda. Let's turn the tables again and look at Chan's agenda rathering then questioning longstanding fans! Some fans will like/support no matter what, some won't - and it's such a simple way of thinking that people here turn it into everything but that!

And this thing about being an NFL coach is suppose to make you successful here - who says, is this written in some book on coaching that says what constitutes successful coaches at the Div. l Level? NFL is the feeder??? Hello??????

Is there is a bible of coaching that says this, if so somebody needs to give me that info, because I would like to read it and see who this author is .........
Originally posted by BLACK WATCH:
BeeBad Your WRONG AGAIN....

Look at some of the past NFL Yearbook features that run on Espn and yoy will see Glanville shouting at a referree saying you Know what NFL stands for "Not for Losers"
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I've seen that clip a dozen times, slick... Glanville calls the ref over and tells him to call the other ref over while referring to him as a "college boy" (that ref was in his first year reffing in the pros, having been working college games before that)... When the "college boy" came over Glanville said, "The NFL stans for NOT FOR LONG and that is what it is going to be if you keep making calls like that"...
The only agenda here is concern for the program!! Get a life! My not liking Chan as our coach has nothing to do with any agenda. Let's turn the tables again and look at Chan's agenda rathering then questioning longstanding fans! Some fans will like/support no matter what, some won't - and it's such a simple way of thinking that people here turn it into everything but that!

And this thing about being an NFL coach is suppose to make you successful here - who says, is this written in some book on coaching that says what constitutes successful coaches at the Div. l Level? NFL is the feeder??? Hello??????

Is there is a bible of coaching that says this, then somebody give me that info, because I would like to read it and see who this author is .........
I am growing a little tired of the propaganda associated with the "Greatest" first year coach that we have ever had. Yes, we won 7 games, but we also lost 6. Dodd lost 6 his first year, and won 9 his second. Carson, Curry, Ross, and Lewis are the only other ones to lose 6 or more. Ross and Dodd are the only ones who did "better" in there second. So is Gailey going the way of Ross and Dodd, or will he go the way of Carson, Curry and Lewis. In three weeks we will start to see the answer.
This is what really gets to me. The origination of this thread was on whether what people post about practice might mean that Chan will close workouts to spectators. How did it get to be another discussion of good coaches? Closing or opening practice has nothing to do with coaching abilities. Some coaches ALWAYS close practices, some almost never do. It has to do with how comfortable they are doing their prep work in public so to speak and/or whether they think the opposition will get info from the workouts. Whether Chan opens or closes them may be a PR issue, but it has NOTHING TO DO WITH COACHING ABILITY OR PHILOSOPHY.

BTW General, Ross almost had to have a better second year. There was no excuse for the first one.
Originally posted by ncjacket:
This is what really gets to me. The origination of this thread was on whether what people post about practice might mean that Chan will close workouts to spectators. How did it get to be another discussion of good coaches? Closing or opening practice has nothing to do with coaching abilities. Some coaches ALWAYS close practices, some almost never do. It has to do with how comfortable they are doing their prep work in public so to speak and/or whether they think the opposition will get info from the workouts. Whether Chan opens or closes them may be a PR issue, but it has NOTHING TO DO WITH COACHING ABILITY OR PHILOSOPHY.

BTW General, Ross almost had to have a better second year. There was no excuse for the first one.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">There were plenty excuses for Ross's first one and it had plenty to do with players and attitudes!