It is in the possibility of reasoning that someone has overstated Gailey's remarks or the intentions of his remarks. He may be speaking of one incident of which we are not aware, maybe he has talked to that person, and maybe others not associated with that incident has blown up the quote by Gailey.
Maybe, the entire report is false. However, on the other hand, it would be completely foolish to ban fans from practice, and it would be completely foolish to ban those attending practice from posting information about practice.
It is reasonable to expect the fans to refrain from posting anything pertaining to formations, plays, or possibly injuries, but most everything else could not give the enemy any valid information.
If, it is a fact, he wants nothing posted on the internet about practice, that is unreasonable and he would deserve the flak he would get from that action.
Until then, I think the fans attending practice should post information for fans on the boards. It builds up interest in the team and the program. If he closes the practices, he will be responsible for that action and have no one to blame but himself.
Until the practices are closed, I think we should continue to post information from the practices that is not detrimental to the team.
If he is really concerned about the content of information on he board, one of his staff members could post guidelines on the boards for those fans attending practices and bringing information back to the boards.
Once the information is posted, we could question the staff member, via the board, about certain points and receive clarification regarding those points.
Since the iternet has become imbedded with society, it is reasonable for all coaches to have one of their staff to give a daily report about the team and practices for those on the boards interested in the team.
Do we have journalism majors at Tech? If so, surely, someone would be willing to act as the official script writer for the teams and post daily articles regarding the teams.
I will only take it seriously when Gailey himself either makes the statement official in a decree or has the statements posted on the boards by one of his staff members.
Father Time