We are irrelevant... again


Mar 7, 2010
The next time someone wonders why our stadium isn't regularly filled, why we get crappy noon time starts to our games, or why we get screwed over so often in bowl selection, the answer is above.

We are going to most likely lose to Georgia and go to another crappy bowl, which we also likely lose. This is another year we are falling behind FSU, Clemson, and VT in the conference. Those programs are trending upwards, and are going to decide the league champion for the forseeable future. Meanwhile, we continue to slide farther back. It's coaching, player development, recruiting, academics, admissions, adding up to one giant self-cluster****.

Maybe we should loosen up the admission standards or step back a division. Damned if I have a solution. All I can do is bitch about it with you guys. But for the love of God, can someone please punch David Pollack in the face. Damned prophet...
with all due respect we have been irrelevant on the national picture for the past 22 years save 2 or 3 years (after 1990). Get used to it.
Given our location, there really is no reason we shouldn't dominate.
We've been a flash in the pan program for 60+ years. Until fundamental changes are done by the school's administration, that will never change regardless of who the GTAA fires and hires. Fix those "issues" with the school or fix your expectations as a fan.
We've been a flash in the pan program for 60+ years. Until fundamental changes are done by the school's administration, that will never change regardless of who the GTAA fires and hires. Fix those "issues" with the school or fix your expectations as a fan.

True, and PJ is by far the best coach we could hope for until these problems are solved.
True, and PJ is by far the best coach we could hope for until these problems are solved.

And what evidence, other than your opinion do you have that this is true? There is at least some evidence that other head coaches, like Ross or O'Leary, could do as well.
We've been a flash in the pan program for 60+ years. Until fundamental changes are done by the school's administration, that will never change regardless of who the GTAA fires and hires. Fix those "issues" with the school or fix your expectations as a fan.

exactly. I wish all understood this.

We are semi-serious about football.

We are more serious pretending we can be MIT and Caltech, which we can't and its not who we are. We are a practical engineering school that does alot other well and should embrace the cornerstones of the school. You can't walk on campus without something being named after a football coach or legend. Hint. Embrace it, don't look at it as a evil necessity. In the mid to late 90s we had better athletes coming in off the heels of 1994 than we do today. George built up the program, got them through school and we were ok. We were good enough to lose #2 in the heisman and still win 10 the next year.

Point being, in 2002 or 3 after the administration turned its back on our SA's when george left (partly due to internal pssing match with george and the admins on SA academics) we had flunkgate, not just for football but for many sports (showing you it was an admin problem) it was what the academic weenies needed on the hill to raise standards and clamp down on admissions.

Hence...where we are today.

If we had the same standards today, with the proper oversight that we did in 1998-2000; I am telling you we would be a better program and the kids would be fine. You need a coach with the proper oversight, and Paul has that, he just doesn't get the looser Hill support George did. George leveraged 1994 to say...this has to change...
And what evidence, other than your opinion do you have that this is true? There is at least some evidence that other head coaches, like Ross or O'Leary, could do as well.
read my post.

You don't get the fact that the hill changed after oleary. Until the fans get that...then you will be disillusioned.

Since you brought up Ross, I want to add, George was the DC and knew what was done in 1987-89 to build a team up and the type of athletes we needed to be allowed to recruit.

Homer Rice Got it folks. HE GOT IT. he was the best AD we have had, and honestly we owe him as much or more to Tech than Dodd. He revived the school, built up football, rescued it from the administrative disasters before him and even laid the foundation for facilities upgrades.

It started there.
And what evidence, other than your opinion do you have that this is true? There is at least some evidence that other head coaches, like Ross or O'Leary, could do as well.

But we could have another Bill Lewis or Chan Gailey. Be appreciative.
If GT fixed these issues tomorrow, would you still say CPJ is by far the best Coach for the job?

I would give him a chance; but his system is a detriment to O recruiting. No excuse after we fix those issues for the D to not be better.

In fact no excuse today for it to not be better.
Here is a serious question: I'm sure many of y'all know I'm a sidewalk fan who never attended a class at Georgia Tech. However I lived in this great state all my life and it pains me that this Institute is being held in check due to politics in the state government and the Board of Regents.

My question is this: Why can't the powers that be go public? I'm not talking about The Hill as they seem content with the way things are. But those who are high-up in business with degrees from Tech. Like the CEO of WalMart. The Coke people. Astronauts. People who really make a difference can go public and decry how unfair this situation is.

Georgia Tech is dying on the vine and we are all to blind to see it. The Institute has stayed pat while UGAg starts up its own engineering program. People in this state sees GT as the "enemy" and not a state of Georgia resourse. You go down the street in some backwood town in South Georgia and ask about GT, people think its a private school or something.

GT needs to modify its overall mission. Its not just about football. Its about the overall health of Georgia Tech. If you want this school to remain relevant as an academic powerhouse, it has to be able to offer more course offerings.

And what evidence, other than your opinion do you have that this is true? There is at least some evidence that other head coaches, like Ross or O'Leary, could do as well.

Call up Saban and ask him if he wants to coach here. Let me know what he says.
I am reminded of Rob Schneider playing the half wit cajun in Waterboy

"Oh no, we suck again!"
Call up Saban and ask him if he wants to coach here. Let me know what he says.

Logic fail.. There are other coaches than Saban who could win a national championship given the right resources. Les Miles won one for God's sake.
exactly. I wish all understood this.

We are semi-serious about football.

We are more serious pretending we can be MIT and Caltech, which we can't and its not who we are. We are a practical engineering school that does alot other well and should embrace the cornerstones of the school. You can't walk on campus without something being named after a football coach or legend. Hint. Embrace it, don't look at it as a evil necessity. In the mid to late 90s we had better athletes coming in off the heels of 1994 than we do today. George built up the program, got them through school and we were ok. We were good enough to lose #2 in the heisman and still win 10 the next year.

Point being, in 2002 or 3 after the administration turned its back on our SA's when george left (partly due to internal pssing match with george and the admins on SA academics) we had flunkgate, not just for football but for many sports (showing you it was an admin problem) it was what the academic weenies needed on the hill to raise standards and clamp down on admissions.

Hence...where we are today.

If we had the same standards today, with the proper oversight that we did in 1998-2000; I am telling you we would be a better program and the kids would be fine. You need a coach with the proper oversight, and Paul has that, he just doesn't get the looser Hill support George did. George leveraged 1994 to say...this has to change...

I believe all of this.

What can be done?
Here is a serious question: I'm sure many of y'all know I'm a sidewalk fan who never attended a class at Georgia Tech. However I lived in this great state all my life and it pains me that this Institute is being held in check due to politics in the state government and the Board of Regents.

My question is this: Why can't the powers that be go public? I'm not talking about The Hill as they seem content with the way things are. But those who are high-up in business with degrees from Tech. Like the CEO of WalMart. The Coke people. Astronauts. People who really make a difference can go public and decry how unfair this situation is.

Georgia Tech is dying on the vine and we are all to blind to see it. The Institute has stayed pat while UGAg starts up its own engineering program. People in this state sees GT as the "enemy" and not a state of Georgia resourse. You go down the street in some backwood town in South Georgia and ask about GT, people think its a private school or something.

GT needs to modify its overall mission. Its not just about football. Its about the overall health of Georgia Tech. If you want this school to remain relevant as an academic powerhouse, it has to be able to offer more course offerings.


The most likely answer, which is highly unlikely, is to go private (and join Emory). But the minute that discussion is brought up, everyone argues "but we'll lose Hope....". Tech's hand are shackeled. Take the shackles off by going private and then show folks who can compete.

Regarding OLeary in this post, he was bold and pushy enough to get the players he needed. Chan was never going to do this, although he did somehow get his once in a coaching lifetime lifeline five years ago. I'm thinking that PJ is so arrogant that he thought he'd win with Navy players, something he is finding out won't work. What is DRAD doing about this?

Georgia Tech used to be a unique higher education, a southern school who enjoyed their attachment to football and other sports. Why can't we be this and still be a TOP TEN school, a la Stanford? (oh, yea, going private...)
The most likely answer, which is highly unlikely, is to go private (and join Emory). But the minute that discussion is brought up, everyone argues "but we'll lose Hope....". Tech's hand are shackeled. Take the shackles off by going private and then show folks who can compete.

Regarding OLeary in this post, he was bold and pushy enough to get the players he needed. Chan was never going to do this, although he did somehow get his once in a coaching lifetime lifeline five years ago. I'm thinking that PJ is so arrogant that he thought he'd win with Navy players, something he is finding out won't work. What is DRAD doing about this?

Georgia Tech used to be a unique higher education, a southern school who enjoyed their attachment to football and other sports. Why can't we be this and still be a TOP TEN school, a la Stanford? (oh, yea, going private...)

Yes, I understand all that. But why can't those out there speak out loudly and clearly how unfair the process is? In other words, shame the politicians and the BOR in allowing GT to expand.
